Year 5
A Visit from West Yorkshire Fire Service
This morning, Simeon from the West Yorkshire Fire Service, visited Upper Key Stage Two, to deliver some very important messages about fire safety. We watched some very powerful videos of how fires can start and spread; asked lots of important questions and were able to find out what uniform and equipment firefighters use. It was a very informative session.
SCIENCE: Reversible and Irreversible Changes
We continued our science work in school this week by continuing with our materials topic, where we are looking closely at reversible and irreversible changes. In this demonstration, we mixed bicarbonate of soda with vinegar. A new product was formed (Carbon Dioxide) and this caused the balloons to quickly inflate. Because a new product was formed, this made the reaction irreversible (you can't get the vinegar and the bicarbonate of soda back). We also mixed milk with vinegar. This caused the milk to curdle and a new product, 'casein' was formed. It was very exciting!!
George's Marvellous Medicine Volume Problems
What a terrific Tuesday morning of maths.....In our lesson today, we measured out various volumes of liquids, to create some marvellous medicine concoctions, by following some recipes very carefully. We used syringes of various sizes, as well as different measuring containers. When we had completed each recipe, we worked as a group to calculate the total volume, as well as making a note of the final colour. We had a lot of fun.
DT - Greek Sandals
Today was our final make for our Greek Sandal Design Technology project. The children had to make a sandal that would fit their feet, be able to walk at least six steps in and be in keeping with the style of the ancient Greeks. There were challenges as the children had to secure all components together and work out how to realise their designs. The atmosphere was industrious and focused.
A Victorian Dilemma
As part of our Drama session, we took on the roles of Alan (brother) and Evie (sister). These troubled siblings were faced with a dilemma...both wanted to escape from their evil Uncle Vinnie, but how they went about it was proving a very difficult job, because they both had completely different views. The children had ten minutes only to make a decision before Uncle Vinnie got back to the house. Here is some of our drama in action.
Victorian Workhouse Drama Day
On Thursday 6th February, we were visited by the drama company, Alive and Kicking, who facilitated a fantastic investigation into the lives of children who entered Victorian workhouses in the 1840s. We had a wonderful day of drama and storytelling. The children looked fantastic in their Victorian clothes and this really helped to bring the day to life. Thank you to our wonderful parents for your help.
D:Side visit - Keeping Safe Online
Today, we had a visit from Hazel at :Side, who discussed the importance of staying safe online. We learnt about settings in games and 'safe profiling' on social media, which can be used to keep us safe. We watched a few videos that highlighted the dangers of having an open profile and engaging with people who we don't know. Thank you for s great session, Hazel.
Keeping Safe Day!
Real Gym
As part of our PE work this term, we are completing a Real Gym module. Today we used the apparatus in a variety of different ways. We worked safely and thought about different ways to climb, leap, jump and roll. It was great fun!
Keyboard Session
Class Five have started to learn how to play the opening bars of Brahm's Lullaby, in their music lesson this week. It was lovely getting to use a new type of tuned instrument, and for that, we are thankful to Mrs Hick and to Headingley Rotary Club, who found and contributed funding to enable the purchase of a half-class set of keyboards. Thank you!
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A Year Five Winter Wonderland
In and amongst all of our lessons and extra concert rehearsals, we have been busy making cards, calendars, crackers and models, to get us into the Christmas spirit. We'd like to wish you all a Very Happy and peace-filled Christmas.
Spanish Student
Our Spanish language student came in today and took us out in pairs to work on our speaking fluency. Some of us came back into class and started talking to the teacher in Spanish! !Muy Bien!
Reward Time - Hot Chocolate!
As a result of reaching the first line in our class marble reward jar, Class Five were given a treat of hot chocolate, squirty cream, marshmallows and biscuits. It was a joyous occasion. Yum!
Respect Workshop
In preparation for Anti- Bullying week , we had a visitor from Bigfoot Arts Education to develop our understanding of this year's theme of respect. We liked being listened to, it felt good that people were listening to us but frustrating when they didn't. It was fun, interesting and made us think.
Ripon Pen Pen Pals
This morning, we wrote and published our special letters to Year Five pupils at Ripon Cathedral School. We're really excited about receiving written replies and about meeting our pen pals in 2025.
Cricket with Tom from ‘Chance to Shine’
Today, the children had their first special cricket skills PE lesson with Tom from 'Chance to Shine'. We practised different types of catching, bowling at the stumps and wicket-keeping. It was lovely and dry on the playground and a jolly good time was had by everyone.
International Week - Tiramasu
On Wednesday, we sampled the Italian dessert, Tiramisu, which was kindly made for us by Mrs Menghisteab. Thank you, Miss! It was delicious.
International Week: ITALY
BUONGIORNO! This week as part of international week, year five are learning all about ITALY. We have completed map work, explored capital cities of countries from around the world, filled in an Italian phrase book and in maths, completed some work on Roman numerals. We have learnt how to count to 10 in Italian and are preparing a small performance to present to parents on international day this coming Friday. ARRIVEDERCI!
Samba Drumming Workshop
As part of our school's International Week, we had a fabulous drumming workshop. Chris, our visitor, taught us all about Samba and its Brazilian origins. It was a lovely session. Thank you to Mrs Smallwood for organising this for us.
Black History Assembly ~ Biniam Girmay
On Tuesday 22nd October, Year Five performed their class assembly which was all about the life, the hardships and the successes of Eritrean cyclist, Biniam Girmay. The children spoke and performed with so much confidence and delivered their lines brilliantly. We'd like to thank all the parents who joined us this morning: it was so lovely for you to share this occasion with us all.
Bonfire Safety Talk
In the lead up to bonfire night, Class Five were visited by our three local and very friendly police officers, who presented a bonfire night safety talk. We learnt the very important firework code and asked lots of important safety questions.
On Monday 14th October, we were visited by Dave from D:Side, who spent the session talking about sensible choices and risks. He spoke to the children about vaping and the affects that vaping can have on our health. 'Sensible choices and risk'
SCIENCE - 'Friction' - Balloon Rockets
In our science lesson this week, we were learning about friction, as part of our forces unit. We decided to test how far a balloon would travel down lengths of different materials (string, wool and wire). We learnt that the wire was the smoothest and therefore created the least amount of friction. As a result, the balloon travelled furthest!
Maths Buzz!
On Tuesday, we had a 'Maths Buzz' session, where we worked with partners to solve tricky logic and reasoning problems. It was great fun!
Hirun Demonstrates Science
Here are a few photos of Hirun, who kindly brought his 'Newton's Cradle' in from home, to help us with our work on transferring forces. Thank you, Hirun!
In our history lesson today, we learnt about Ancient Greek democracy. We debated whether we would prefer to live in the city state of Athens or the city state of Sparta. We revised what democracy is and we learned that democracy began in the period of the ancient Greeks. As was the case back then, people voted with a pebble, so that is what we did today.
HISTORY: Daily Life in Ancient Greece
In our history lesson, we split into six groups to each research a different aspect of daily life in Ancient Greece. We found out about: women, men, children, food, housing and clothing. We used secondary sources and presented our findings in the form of a large poster.
Greek Vases continued....
This week we further developed our Greek Vases with a papier mache session. The children had to do a lot of problem solving in order to keep their structures standing up and balanced. The process requires perserverence and concentration. It was very messy but very creative too.
DRAMA: Ancient Greek Workshop (Session two)
On Thursday 19th September, Class Five enjoyed their second drama workshop with John Mee from 'Alive and Kicking'. This week, the children further-developed the legend of Theseus and Minotaur. It was an absolute pleasure to see the pupils grow in confidence, take control over their learning and become comfortable in working with different groups across a number of different scenarios. We've had a lovely start to the year.
Drama: Ancient Greek Workshop
On Thursday 12th September, Year Five were immersed in a day of mythical creatures, quests and Greek Gods, through the help of Drama specialist, John Mee. They used mime, physical theatre, thought-tracking and soundscaping, to bring Ancient Greece to life. They were given autonomy to organise themselves and work together collaboratively, to solve problems, develop independence and to express their ideas around given themes.
Greek Vases
The children worked in pairs to develop a prototype for their Greek vase structures. They had access to a range of materials including: balloons, masking tape, cups and thick and thin cardboard. Lots of trial and error and problem solving was involved.
Recorder Lessons
Each Monday, Year Five have a recorder lesson. We sing, play rhythm games, compose and perform. This is the first time we have played the recorder.. It is great fun! Today we learnt how to play the note, 'B'
Staying Safe Online
As part of their work on online safety, class five have been learning the important meaning of staying SMART online. Today we learnt how to set strong passwords and then considered when it is safe to share videos and photos online. We also discussed the possible dangers of this.
A Great Start to Class Five
The children in Year Five have all made a fantastic and settled start to the new academic year. We hope that it's a year of hard work, growth and fun. Today we have gone through all of the new routines for Upper Key Stage Two, completed a science lesson, played a team game in the school hall, decorated new pump bags and started to read our new class book. It has been a lovely day. Welcome back!
Tarsila do Amaral
Year 5 have just completed their final piece for our topic on the Brazilian painter Tarsila do Amaral. During the topic we have learnt about the history of painting, done some colour mixing for a multi-layered colour wheel, colour matching some of Amaral's work and finally doing a school playground scene in the style of Tarsila.
A Visit to see our Penpals in Ripon
Today, we headed to Ripon, where we spent the day with our penpals. The sun shone and we were able to spend most of the day outside. We split into three groups and completed a tower building teamwork exercise, played cricket on the field and completed a special orienteering course. It was a lovely day.
Today, as part of an Extreme Sports taster session, Year Five enjoyed leaning all about Fencing. We worked hard on our footwork, enjoyed using the equipment and we played some exciting games. Thank you to Miss Higson for organising this for us.
A Visit from our Ripon Penpals
On Wednesday 15th May, Class Five pupils from St. Peter's met their penpals from Ripon Cathedral School for the first time. We had a brilliant day making 'friendship shields' and completing an outdoor orienteering course, whilst getting to know our new friends a little better. The sun shone for us a little in the afternoon and we ended the day with some lollies. We look forward to visiting Ripon in July.
In Spanish this week we have been learning the phonic sounds of l and double ll. Here the children are applying their new knowledge in a speed speak.
In PHSE we are looking at the topic of "Different influences". The children had to research different types of smoking and present their findings to the class.
Goodbye Lineham Farm
A Fun Packed Final Day!
Riding Bikes, Climbing and Yummy Food!
Sebastian meets the Chef!
Today, Sebastian met Lineham Farm's wonderful chef, who comes from Poland. They had a lovely conversation in Polish together.
Lots of Fun on Day 2
All children slept really well and everyone is up, washed, smiling and eager to dive into a day of cycling, bushcraft, nightline and climbing. The 'We Care' motto is on show! Year Five are great team.
Night Walk and Meeting the Animals
Meeting the Guinea Pigs
Day 1 - Lots of fun activities!
We've Arrived at Lineham Farm!
World Book Day - ‘My Favourite Book in the Whole Wide World’
Today, we all had the opportunity to bring our 'Favourite Book in the Whole Wide World' and share them with our class. There was a brilliant range of books on show and even our teachers shared their favourite books. It's great to see such enthusiasm for reading amongst our children.
George's Marvellous Medicine Volume Problems
What a marvellous Monday morning of maths.....In our lesson today, we measured out various volumes of liquids, to create some marvellous medicine recipes by following some recipes very carefully. We used syringes of various sizes, as well as different measuring containers. When we had completed each recipe, we worked as a group to calculate the total volume, as well as making a note of the final colour. We had a lot of fun.
Victorian Murder Mystery Trip
On Thursday 29th February, class five visited Abbey House in Kirkstall, to learn all about life as a Victorian. They carried out a murder mystery tour of the museum, where they learnt about different shops in a Victorian shopping street and the types of people who might have worked in them. We solved the crime!
Today, we were visited by two people from the NSPCC who taught us about keeping safe and about who our safe adults might be.
Cuban Salsa Dancing with Pedro
Today we were fortunate to be given a brilliant half an hour, Cuban Salsa dancing session, with friend of Mrs Wilkinson, Pedro. We then had the opportunity to ask him lots of friendship questions, in Spanish, when he visited our classroom.
Electrical Conductivity
In Tuesday’s science lesson, we tested the electrical conductivity of five different metals, with the intention of finding out which material, once included in a circuit, would help a light bulb to shine the brightest.
Feelings Poems
In English we have been exploring different colours which can be used to represent feelings and emotions in poetry. We then used our five senses to help us build pictures of different thoughts that came to our minds. Some of us used similes and metaphors to make our poems more interesting.
The children are continuing with their Victorian calligraphy project in art by experimenting with fountain pens and inks. They focused on doing thin and thick strokes and making their initials as ornate and decorative as possible.
A Victorian Dilemma
As part of our Drama session, we took on the roles of Alan (brother) and Evie (sister). These troubled siblings were faced with a dilemma...both wanted to escape from their evil Uncle Vinnie, but how they went about it was proving a very difficult job because they both had completely different views. The children had ten minutes only to make a decision before Uncle Vinnie got back to the house. Here is some of our drama in action.
Victorian Workhouse Drama Day
On Wednesday 7th February, we were visited by the drama company, Alive and Kicking, who facilitated a fantastic investigation into the lives of children who entered Victorian workhouses in the 1840s. We had a wonderful day of drama and storytelling.
Poetry Recital Semi-Finals (animal poems)
On Wednesday 31st January, pupils in Year Five took part in the semi-finals of this year’s school poetry recital competition, which is sponsored by Headingley Rotary Club. All the children learnt a poem about animals and many of them performed a poem by our class poet, Benjamin Zephaniah. All thirty children were given two weeks to choose and learn a poem from memory. Some chose to dress up; others chose to use some specially prepared props. It was a lovely occasion. This year’s semi-finalist winners were Shalom and Mikias. Our two runners-up were Nathan and Samuel. Well done to all children. You did a great job!
Keeping Safe Day
We had a great day today, learning about lots of themes around the topic of 'Keeping Safe':
Musical Chords
In our music lesson today, we started our session by discussing what a 'chord' was. We found the four notes of a c major chord and then had a little fun with the chords by moving up and down our instruments. Here is the result.
Greek Sandals
This Friday Year 5 was hard at work finishing off their Greek sandals. There was lots of sticking, cutting, painting and problem solving going on. I'm sure you will agree the results were awesome.
Real Gym
As part of our PE work this term, we are completing a Real Gym module. Today we used the apparatus in a variety of different ways. We worked safely and thought about different ways to climb, leap, jump and roll. It was great fun!
Final Week
Christmas Treat
After a lovely morning at church, this afternoon year five enjoyed watching a Christmas movie, accompanied by popcorn and biscuits. It was a lovely reward for a brilliant term. Thank you, Year Five!
Ripon Replies
Today we opened our pen pal replies from our friends at Ripon Cathedral Primary School. There was a great buzz around the classroom whilst we opened our envelopes and learnt all about the people whom we shall meet in the new year ahead.
Christmas Recorders
Our recorder lessons have been a little different in the last few weeks. Using the notes, B, A and G we have put together a Christmas repertoire, which included the songs, We Wish You a Merry Christmas, Nutcracker March and Carol of the Bells.
Build a Snowman
We ended this morning with a 'Snowman Drive,' where children had to roll different numbers on spa dice to build a snowman in the quickest time possible.
Class Five's Christmas Crafts
Computing: Databases
To start our computing unit on databases, we have been searching database records about the features of different made-up aliens. We used the search facility to find multiple features, such as...aliens from the planet Saturn, with three eyes and bad breath! It was a challenge, but great fun.
On Thursday 16th November, we were visited by Dave from D:Side, who spent the session talking about sensible choices and risks. He spoke to the children about vaping and the affects that vaping can have on our health.
On Thursday 16th November, we continued our ‘Earth and Space’ science project with a visit from the Wonderdome. The main focus of the session was to understand how the Earth rotates and orbits around the Sun. We looked at how the Earth, Sun and Moon are all spherical in shape and we were also taught about ‘night and day’, constellations and how astronauts manage to survive in space.
Smeaton Park - DT
As part of Leeds City of Culture, Year 5 attended the Smeaton 300 Industry Day.
The children met a range of professionals from different STEM Industries – structural engineers, architects, PHD students, mathematicians, and civil engineers.
The children worked with mentors to design a new public space in Leeds called Smeaton Park. In the process, they learnt new skills in developing and presenting creative designs, models and prototypes.
Road Safety
On Thursday 9th November, Year Five had a Road Safety session with Wendy from Leeds City Council. We learnt lots of facts about safety as pedestrians, cyclists and car passengers.
In Spanish this week we learnt about strong vowels. Here is a video of the children putting their learning into practice.
Italy booklets and tiramisu!
During the week, we have done lots of learning about Italy. We particularly enjoyed completing our Italian vocabulary and phrases booklet. On Thursday, we sampled the Italian dessert, Tiramisu, which was kindly made for us by Mrs Menghisteab. Thank you, Miss! It was delicious.
Greek Vases
The next step for our DT/Art Greek Vase project was to paint our structures. Children had a choice of orange, copper or gold and had to ensure they achieved a consistent coverage of their chosen colour.
Bonfire Safety
In the lead up to bonfire night, Class Five were visited by our three local and very friendly police offers, who presented a bonfire night safety talk. We learnt the very important firework code and asked lots of important safety questions.
Welcome to International Week in year five, where we are learning all about Italy. We started the week by learning the days of the week and some colours. We then did some map reading, where we learned the names of the largest countries in the world (by population) and their respective capital city. It has been a lovely start to the week.
We have being learning about short syllables in our phonics work in Spanish. Here is a couple of activities we did to apply our knowledge. One involves matching syllables together to make a word and the other involves a song about chocolate. If you want to keep practising your Spanish, look on Purple Mash in the Spanish section for quizzes and activities on your numbers and other vocabulary.
Black History Month - Windrush Workshop
As part of Black History Month, Year Five participated in a 'Bigfoot Arts Education' workshop, where using media and drama, they learnt all about the Windrush Generation and about some people who travelled to Britain on this famous and historic voyage, following the end of World War II.
Reward time - Hot chocolate!
As a result of reaching the first line in our class marble reward jar, Class Five were given a treat of hot chocolate, squirty cream, rainbow sprinkles, marshmallows and biscuits. It was a joyous occasion. Yum!
Daily Life in Ancient Greece
In our history lesson, we split into six groups to each research a different aspect of daily life in Ancient Greece. We found out about: women, men, children, food, housing and clothing. We used secondary sources and presented our findings in the form of a large poster.
Class Assembly: Alford Gardner and the Windrush Generation
On Tuesday 26th September, Class Five delivered a fantastic 'Black History' themed assembly all about the Windrush Generation, of which this year is the 75th anniversary. We focussed especially on one particular person, Alford Gardner, who travelled to England on the Windrush and later settled in Leeds. He founded the Caribbean Cricket Club on Scott Hall Road and he is still alive and well, at the age of 97. The children spoke clearly and confidently. They did themselves proud!
Library Visit
This week after our transition meeting with parents we went for a visit to our nearest library "Burmantofts Hub". Several parents came along too and were able to join the library there and then. If you missed this you can go with your children to the library to get a library card- you just need your name, address, date of birth and an email or phone number. The library is open 9am-5pm Monday-Friday. It has access to books, computers and you can order the book you want if they don't have it. Keeeeeeeep reading.
DRAMA: Ancient Greek Workshop
On Wednesday 20th September, Class Five enjoyed their second drama workshop with John Mee from 'Alive and Kicking'. This week, the children further-developed the legend of Theseus and Minotaur. It was an absolute pleasure to see the pupils grow in confidence, take control over their learning and become comfortable in working with a range of pupils across a number of different scenarios. We've had a lovely start to the year.
History Drama Workshop
On Wednesday 13th September, Year Five were immersed in a day of mythical creatures, quests and Greek Gods, through the help of Drama specialist, John Mee. They used mime, physical theatre, thought-tracking and soundscaping, to bring Ancient Greece to life. They were given autonomy to organise themselves and work together collaboratively, to solve problems, develop independence and to express their ideas around given themes.
Recorder Lessons
Each Monday, Year Five have a recorder lesson. We sing, play rhythm games, compose and perform. This is the first time we have played the recorder. We are taught by a specialist recorder teacher called Mrs Copley. It is great fun! Today we learnt how to play the note, 'B'
Lunchtime Prayer
This is a jolly prayer that we all like to join in with at lunchtime, where we all give thanks for the food that we are given.
MUSIC (ostinato rhythms)
In today's music lesson, Class Five were learning an ostinato rhythm. This is a pattern of notes that is repeated over and over again as an accompaniment to a piece of music. We used glockenspiels to produce the ostinato and we all sung the melody to complete the performance.
First Day
We've had a fantastic first day back in Year Five and all the children have been smiling all the way through the day. Children have learnt the expectations of the class and have got used to a new timetable. It has been a busy day, but we still found time for a PE lesson (PE kits needed every Tuesday from now on) and a science lesson all about forces in action. We're looking forward to a year of hard work, fun and growth.
Our Ripon Pen-Pals
On Thursday 6th July, class five visited their pen-pals again, but this time they travelled all the way to Ripon. We spent the day catching up, selling items on a market stall, designing totem poles and playing cricket. It was a fabulous experience. We ended the day with ice lollies!
In art we continued our Brazilian painting topic by learning about the artist Tarsila do Amaral. We learnt about her life and went on to use our colour mixing skills to colour match one of her paintings.
Yeadon Tarn
Last week Year 5 enjoyed a sunny day on Yeadon Tarn. Each group had a session canoeing, paddleboarding and working together in the bell boat. The children did really well and gave every activity their all. High levels of splashing were registered.
As part of our new Art topic on Brazilian painting we have been exploring colour. We discussed what colour is and the different types of colours including primary and secondary colours and different hues, tones and shades. The children were then tasked with creating their own colour wheel and making different tones of each colour.
On Monday 12th June, we were joined PCSOs, Chris and Dale, who visited us to discuss gangs and what gang-related activities might look like. We discussed the threats which gangs pose and the signs to look out for, in order to avoid being exploited by such criminal groups.
On Wednesday 17th May, Class Five pupils from St. Peter's met their penpals from Ripon Cathedral School for the first time. We had a brilliant day making 'friendship shields' and completing an outdoor orienteering course, whilst getting to know our new friends a little better. The sun shone for us and we ended the day with some lollies. We look forward to visiting Ripon in July.
Lino Print Making
As part of their calligraphy project, Year 5 have created a tile design inspired by the Victorian artist William Morris. Today the children developed their skills with the lino cutters, working on a small leaf, using different blades for effect. This is in preparation for their final piece- a tile design with their initials.
Ready for Home
Day 3 - Breakfast & Orienteering
More day 2 Activities
Bushcraft Activities
Breakfast is Served....
Day One Activities continued...
Day One Activities
Day One
Yellow group started their Lineham experience with a nightline. This required good communication skills, trust and teamwork to negotiate several obstacles whilst blindfolded. The group worked well together and developed their communication skills as they went along. For the second part of the session the children developed their map reading skills in an orienteering tasks. After a delicious tea ( pizza, chips, salad, chocolate cake and whipped cream!) we wrote a diary of our day. Next is a night walk.
Ready to Depart
Our residential to Lineham Farm is about to begin…
Spanish Vowel Song
In Year 5 we have been applying our knowledge of the Spanish vowels. The children were set the challenge of learning this Spanish song all about the vowels off by heart. It was tough and only two children managed the song in full. What an achievement! Well done.
Easter Cards
Today, we have been making our Easter cards. They were a little tricky to put together but the end result was great!
PSHCE Emotional Literacy
We have been learning about the importance of feelings and the different types of feelings we can experience. The children were asked to find as many words as they could for an emotion and then rank them on a feelings thermometre.
Into University Trip
Today we went to Into #University to learn about the experience of going to university. We learnt about the different places where you can go, the types of courses you can study, options for the accommodation available to you and also the vast array of clubs and societies you can join.
Author Visit
On Tuesday 21st March, we were visited by a guest author, Richard O'Neill, who spoke to us all about his upbringing and how he became a professional author. We had a good conversation about how to start our story writing and had the opportunity to ask lots of interesting questions. Thank you to Mrs Vickers for organising the visit for us.
Learning today - Friday 10th March
Reversible and Irreversible Changes
We continued our science work in school this week by continuing with our materials topic, where we are looking closely at reversible and irreversible changes. In this demonstration, we mixed bicarbonate of soda with vinegar. A new product was formed (Carbon Dioxide) and this caused the balloons to quickly inflate. Because a new product was formed, this made the reaction irreversible (you can't get the vinegar and the bicarbonate of soda back). It was very exciting!!
In Year 5 we've been learning the phonics of ca, co, cu. The children had to work in pairs to practise the sounds. Some letters were then removed to make it trickier. They still did very well with this extra challenge - watch the here: IMG_0315.MOV
On March 2nd, class five visited Abbey House in Kirkstall, to learn all about life as a Victorian. They carried out a murder mystery tour of the museum, where they learnt about different shops in a Victorian shopping street and the types of people who might have worked in them. We solved the crime!
Knowledge Quiz
We finished our day with a knowledge mat quiz. We get ten minutes to revise from the mats and to write down a question for the rest of the class to answer. We then take turns at answering questions, to show our knowledge and hopefully to earn lots of marbles for our class reward jar!
Recorder Progress
We are now good at playing the notes B, A, G and E. Today, we learnt a song called, 'How Do You Do?' This was tricky because there were a lot of rests to count. Mrs Copley was very pleased with our progress.

Feelings Poems
In English we have been exploring different colours which can be used to represent feelings and emotions in poetry. We then used our five senses to help us build pictures of different thoughts that came to our minds. Some of us used similes and metaphors to make our poems more interesting.
Victorians: Workhouse Conditions
In our history lesson, we travelled around the classroom, finding source documents, which helped us to learn all about workhouse food, education, jobs, punishments and rules!
George's Marvellous Medicine Volume Problems
In our maths lesson today, we measured out various volumes of liquids, to create some marvellous medicine recipes by following some recipes very carefully. We used syringes of various sizes, as well as different measuring containers. When we had completed each recipe, we worked as a group to calculate the total volume, as well as making a note of the final colour. We had a lot of fun.
Keeping Safe Day
God and the Big Bang at Leeds Minister
To complement our Understanding Christianity Topic “Creation and Science, Conflicting or Complimentary?", we spent the day with three scientist who are also Christians. There were three distinct sessions 1. The Big Bang 2. Evolution and Creation 3. Curiosity - why do we want to know things? There was also a chance to ask questions at the end and Year 5 came up with lots. A very interesting and thought-provoking day.
As part of our "Keeping safe and managing risk" topic, the children are learning about domestic violence. To start with they had to record words they associate with violence: agression, physical and emotional, harassment, frustration, were just some of the words they used. They then had to develop a freezeframe of a situation that was about to get violent. We explore the feelings of the characters involved, the short- and long-term effects of violence and alternative ways to respond.
Victorian Workhouse Drama Day
On Wednesday 1st February, we were visited by the drama company, Alive and Kicking, who facilitated a fantastic investigation into the lives of children who entered Victorian workhouses in the 1840s. We had a wonderful day of drama and storytelling.
Electrical Conductivity
In Tuesday’s science lesson, we tested the electrical conductivity of five different metals, with the intention of finding out which material, once included in a circuit, would help a light bulb to shine the brightest.
Times Tables Rock Stars
Class Five ended their computing lesson with some reward TTRS practise. They are soon going to go head-to head with class 2 in a TTRS timetables challenge!
Greek Sandal Project - DT Week 2
During the prototype lesson the children investigated joining components with glue, sellotape and staples. They had to size the sandal straps to fit Mrs Wilkinson’s foot and for some styles how to secure the ankle. Several children explored the comfort of the sandal, creating a cotton wool effect with wool.
Greek Sandal Project - DT
As part of our Greek sandal project, Year 5 were tasked with taking apart existing sandals. This involved using seam rippers and sharp scissors appropriately. They had to lay out all the different components they extracted and label them with their name, what they were made from and their purpose.
Design & Technology
Class Five have been in the cookery room throughout the day with Mrs Swailes. We have been making vegetable samosas. We selected a range of appropriate equipment in order to make the samosas and we discussed why this savoury dish was a healthy food option.
Maths Buzz
In our maths lesson today, the children have been working in small groups to complete logic and reasoning problems all about fractions, in a game called 'Maths Buzz'. The children were very competitive and all worked hard to complete each of the three levels as quickly as possible.
Snowman Drive
We've started our party day in class five with our snowman drive...a game where you have to roll a 6 to start (draw a snowman's body) and then roll all the different numbers on the dice to complete your snowman. This game brought out the competitive side in our children.
Letters from our Pen Pals
Today we received a class Christmas card and individual letter replies from our friends at Ripon Cathedral Primary School. Seeing our pupils opening their letters was a joyous experience. We're looking forward to meeting our pen pals in 2023.
End of Year Pantomime
This afternoon, Year Five sat down to watch the end of year pantomime, which had kindly been ordered by Miss Parry. It was great. Thank you, Miss Parry.
Merry Christmas!
The children and staff in Year Five would like to wish you all a very safe and happy Christmas, 2022.
Gold Certificate for Isaac
Congratulations to Isaac, who has been working really hard on Mathletics and has recently earned enough points for his gold certificate. A brilliant achievement!
D:Side -Online Safety
In today’s special D:Side session with Dave, we learnt about safe use of social media whilst online. We discussed the different types of social media we are now exposed to and how information can very easily be shared once it is posted online. We finished by looking at the dangers of fake profiles.
Spanish birthdays and numbers...
Goodbye Hussain
Winter Wonderland!
Welcome to our Year Five Winter Wonderland. Merry Christmas Everyone!
Salsa Lesson
As part of our Spanish learning, Mrs Wilkinson invited her friend, Pedro, to come and teach us how to Salsa. We learnt some basic steps, listened carefully to Pedro giving instructions in Spanish and had a really great time putting a simple salsa dance together.
On Thursday 17th November, we continued our ‘Earth and Space’ science project with a visit from the Wonderdome. The main focus of the session was to understand how the Earth rotates and orbits around the Sun. We looked at how the Earth, Sun and Moon are all spherical in shape and we were also taught about ‘night and day’, constellations and how astronauts manage to survive in space.
Writing to our Pen Pals in Ripon
This week, we have been writing to our new pen pals who go to Ripon Cathedral Primary School. Today we started to publish and decorate our letters and we're looking forward to receiving some replies.
Computing - Spreadsheets
In today's computing lesson, we used the 2Calculate function of Purple Mash to create a spreadsheet to solve area and perimeter problems. As an extension, we tried to use a formula to work out the volumes of different cuboids. Yosyas and Tedros did an awesome job!
In our history lesson today, we learnt about Ancient Greek democracy. We debated whether we would prefer to live in the city state of Athens or the city state of Sparta. We revised what democracy is and we learned that democracy began in the period of the ancient Greeks. As was the case back then, people voted with a pebble, so that is what we did today.
Bonfire Safety
In the lead up to bonfire night, Class Five were visited by police offers, Sharon and Chris, who presented a bonfire night safety talk. We learnt the very important firework code and asked lots of important safety questions.
International Week
We had a brilliant week learning all about Italy. On Friday, we all dressed in our traditional clothes and loved showing the parents what we had been learning.
Greek Vases
During our second session of paper mache the children got to strengthen and stiffen their structures. The bases required some problem solving in order to allow the structures to stand. The second layer meant a smoother finish and a stronger structure.
DT Day: Magnificent Minestrone
As part of our cookery work in Year Five, and linking nicely with our International Week work on Italy, Mrs Swailes worked with our pupils to prepare a delicious minestrone soup. Thank you for planning these sessions, Mrs Swailes.
Tiramisu Time!
As part of our look into Italian culture, Mrs Menghisteab very kindly made a Tiramisu for all the children in Year Five to try. This traditional Italian dessert was absolutely sensational. Thank you very much indeed to Horeb's mum. We really appreciate it.
International Week Drumming Workshop
Mrs Smallwood kindly organised a drumming workshop for each class. We played the Djembe drum, which comes from West Africa. We learnt how to play three sounds on the drum. It was great fun! Thank you, Mrs Smallwood!
Italian Vocabulary
We have learnt the names of some of the colours in Italian, as well as the days of the week.
Welcome to International Week. In Year Five we are learning about Italy. We started the week with some map work, where we started to learn about the differences between the north and south regions, labelled the cities, rivers and Apennine mountain range.
The children have now got on with creating their structures and strengthening them with paper mache. There were plenty of problems they had to solve with issues of strength, stability and symmetry. It was a team effort!
Science: Balloon Rockets
In our science lesson today, we were learning about friction, as part of our forces unit. We decided to test how far a balloon would travel down lengths of different materials (string, wool and wire). We learnt that the wire was the smoothest and therefore created the least amount of friction. As a result, the balloon flew further!
Daily Life in Ancient Greece
In our history lesson, we split into six groups to each research a different aspect of daily life in Ancient Greece. We found out about: women, men, children, food, housing and clothing. We used secondary sources and presented our findings in the form of a large poster.
Our Black History Class Assembly
Over thirty adults came to watch our Black History assembly about the ‘Hidden Figures’ who made landing on the moon possible. The children performed with joy and expression, telling such a clear story as they spoke. Mr Robertson and the Year Five staff team are incredibly proud of the children.
Each Monday, Year Five have a recorder lesson. We sing, play rhythm games, compose and perform. This is the first time we have played the recorder. We are taught by a specialist recorder teacher called Mrs Copley. It is great fun!
Black History Assembly Rehearsal
We've just had a final practise of our 'Hidden Figures' Black History Assembly. If you'd like to join us, Class Five will be performing in the hall at 9am on Tuesday 4th October. Here's some performance poetry...
This week in Spanish, Class 5 have been learning phonics. They were practising the vowels and the actions to go with them.
In today's music lesson, Class Five were learning an ostinato rhythm. This is a pattern of notes that is repeated over and over again as an accompaniment to a piece of music. We used glockenspiels to produce the ostinato and we all sung the melody.
Year 5 were practising drawing different postures for our Greek vase project with the help of our new mannequins
Science: Air Resistance
In today’s science lesson, we learnt about air resistance by designing and testing the speeds of fall of three spinners with different rotor size. We found that air resistance had the biggest effect on the spinners with the largest rotors, causing them to fall more slowly to the ground.
Real PE: Throw Tennis
In our Real P.E. lesson today, we have been learning the skills needed to help us to play Throw Tennis. We are focussing on ball skills and the personal skills of perseverance and practise). We had great fun!
Staying Safe Online
As part of their work on online safety, class five have been learning the important meaning of staying SMART online. Today we learnt how to set strong passwords and then considered when it is safe to share videos and photos online. We also discussed the possible dangers of this.
Book Sale & Library Visit
Spelling Shed
On Monday mornings, we always have a spelling test. We can practice for the test using the spelling sheet in the back of our planners or by logging onto the Spelling Shed website.
Ripon Pen Pals Visit
On Tuesday 5th July, children from Year Five travelled to Ripon Cathedral School, where they spent another day with their pen-pals. We planted sunflower seeds, did orienteering and we played cricket. The weather was beautiful and we all had a really great day.
D:Side Visitor
On Thursday 30th June, Dave from D:Side visited Class Five to discuss alcohol. We talked about 'alcohol and the law', where we find alcohol and how people can be responsible with alcohol.
Burmantofts Community Hub
Class 5 had a fabulous time when a coach came in to teach them Archery, they listened really well and really improved their skills!
Yeadon Tarn - Canoeing & Orienteering
On Thursday 16th June, Class Five had a memorable day at Yeadon Tarn, right next to the airport. We did canoeing on the water and orienteering around the lake. The weather was beautiful and we all had great fun!
A Day with our Pen-pals
On Wednesday 18th May, Class Five spent the day with their pen-pals from Ripon Cathedral Primary School, who they have previously written and sent a whole class video to. It was a beautiful day, with lovely weather and the children got to know each other through an outdoor orienteering task and an indoor collaborative shield-making activity. After lunch, we said our goodbyes and took a whole class five photo for good memories. We're really looking forward to visit Ripon Cathedral Primary School in July.
Compton Library Visit
Goodbye Lineham Farm!
Preparing to go Home
We've had an amazing three days at Lineham. We have tried so hard and had an enormous amount of fun. Mr Robertson is so proud of you! Here are the children, having their final review meeting, around the fireplace, before we set off back to school.
Day 3...
Day 2...
Lots of Fun on Day One!
We've Arrived!
Class 5 arrived at Lineham Farm at 11am and after unpacking bags and making beds, we had our lunch. We are now heading to start our activities outside and thankfully, the sun has started to shine!
On Monday 28th March, Year Five spent the morning at St. Aidan's Church, where they learnt all about that universities, careers and university course options. It was a very interesting morning.
We continued our science work in school this week by continuing with our materials topic, where we are looking closely at reversible and irreversible changes. In this demonstration, we mixed bicarbonate of soda with vinegar. A new product was formed (Carbon Dioxide) and this caused the balloons to quickly inflate. Because a new product was formed, this made the reaction irreversible (you can't get the vinegar and the bicarbonate of soda back). It was very exciting!!
British Science Week 2022
On Monday 14th March, Class Five made the short trip to the Co-operative Academy, where they participated in a really fun morning of science experiments. The theme for this year's British Science Week is 'Growth' and because of this, all the experiments and demonstrations were to do with growing. We made our own salt growth trees. By standing the trees in salt water, the water will evaporate over time, leaving just the salt crystal behind on the trees. We had a really fun time and lots of us were left feeling very inspired.
Important Letter 17/02/2022
Lineham Farm Presentation
George's Marvellous Mathematical Medicine
In maths today, we put our measuring skills to the test, to measure out lots of different potions. We followed specific instructions to measure, made observations about the colour of the medicines produced and of course, calculated the total volume of each medicine. We had a fantastic time!
Poetry Recital Semi-Finals
Happy Christmas!
Class Five would like to wish you all a very Happy and safe Christmas. Lots of love from Mr. Robertson, Mrs Wilkinson, Miss Comrie, Miss Brown and Mrs Kilroy. Enjoy the festive period.
Y5 Recorder Performance
We have mastered the notes ‘B’, ‘A’ and ‘G’ and after several lessons, we can now play our first song, ‘Hot Cross Buns. Here is a quick performance...
Christmas Fun
Class 5 had a lovely time when their parents came to visit; they watched the Christmas performance, did a lovely activity, had a look at their children's books and enjoyed hot chocolate and biscuits.
International Week - Italy
During International Week, Year Five have been learning all about Italy. For our video, we have put together a quick performance that showcases many of the facts that we have learnt. It starts with a counting song and then moves onto some great trivia about Italy itself. Enjoy!
On Monday, Year Five had their first recorder lesson of the year with Miss Smith. We learnt rhythms, names for different notes, how to hold the recorder and most importantly, how to play a nice sound! We all have very colourful recorders to play!
White Quarry Farm
Year 5 visited White Quarry Farm as a follow-up to our DT topic of bread-making. We found out lots of fascinating information about arable farming from Tango the farmer and Annie from the Country Trust. We visited the granary, where we practised grinding wheat to turn it into flour. To link with our recent artwork about William Morris, we created some beautiful floral prints using leaves, flowers and herbs from the farm and gardens. We also sketched wild flowers in the meadow and met some of the farm animals. We had a simply glorious day and Tango and Annie were incredibly impressed with the children's behaviour and impeccable manners. You are a credit to St Peter's Class 5.
Bread Making
For our latest DT topic, we have been making and shaping bread in Class 5. We mixed the ingredients together to form a dough, which was quite a sticky process! After kneading the dough and leaving it to rest, we shaped it carefully and then baked it in the oven. Our bread tasted delicious & there are some very talented bakers in Class 5. Fantastic work!
Lineham Farm
Year 5 went to Lineham Farm for an exciting activity day. We practised our map-reading skills during orienteering and learnt den-making and fire-building skills during our bush-craft challenge. Using the low-ropes, we helped each other to navigate a tricky obstacle course and worked together brilliantly as a team to complete the rope swing challenge. We had an absolutely fantastic day & the children were complimented on their beautiful manners. Well done everybody!
Home Learning
Good morning Year 5. Mrs Vickers and Mrs Readman have planned lots of lovely learning for you to do today. Click on the link below to find out what they would like you to do.
Remember - only do the activities they have asked you to do today. Let them know how you are doing on the blog. Work hard and stay safe. We miss you lots - have a good day!
Love Miss Parry xxx
Week 8
This will be our last week of home learning and we are looking forward to seeing you all back in school on Monday 8th March.
3 more sleeps until school starts!!!
Learning for Tuesday 2nd March
Learning for Wednesday 3rd March
Learning for Thursday 4th March
Week 7
Monday 22nd February is a training day so teachers will not be on the blog as they will be busy doing other jobs today.
Learning for Monday 22nd February
Learning for Tuesday 23rd February
Learning for Wednesday 24th February
Learning for Thursday 25th February
Learning for Friday 26th February
Week 6
Learning for Monday 8th February 2021
Learning for Tuesday 9th February 2021
Learning for Wednesday 10th February 2021
Learning for Thursday 11th February 2021
Learning for Friday 12th February 2021
Week 5
Learning for Monday 1st February 2021
Learning for Tuesday 2nd February 2021
Learning for Wednesday 3rd February 2021
Learning for Thursday 4th February 2021
Learning for Friday 5th February 2021
Week 4
Learning for Monday 25th January 2021
Learning for Tuesday 26th January 2021
Learning for Wednesday 27th January 2021
Learning for Thursday 28th January 2021
Learning for Friday 29th January 2021
Week 3
Learning for Monday 18th January 2021
Learning for Tuesday 19th January 2021
Learning for Wednesday 20th January 2021
Learning for Thursday 21st January 2021
Learning for Friday 22nd January 2021
Week 2
Learning for Friday 15th January 2021
Learning for Thursday 14th January 2021
Learning for Wednesday 13th January 2021
Learning for Tuesday 12th January 2021
Learning for Monday 11th January 2021
Week 3
Learning for Friday 8th January 2021
Santa's Farm
Happy Christmas!
International Week
Hello Class 5!
Click on the links to read messages and information from your teacher.
A special end of year message for Class 5...
Week 14
Learning for Tuesday 14th July
Learning for Wednesday 15th July
Week 12
Learning for Tuesday 30th June
Learning for Wednesday 1st July
Week 11
Learning for Tuesday 23rd June
Learning for Wednesday 24th June
Week 4
Learning for Thursday 30th April
Learning for Wednesday 29th April
Week 3
Learning for Friday 24th April
Learning for Thursday 23rd April
Learning for Wednesday 22nd April
Week 2
Learning for Thursday 2nd April
Learning for Wednesday 1st April
Week 1
Learning for Friday 27th March
Learning for Thursday 26th March
Learning for Wednesday 25th March
Abbey House Museum
Year 5 became detectives for the morning at Abbey House Museum. We travelled through the cobbled streets, hunting for clues to find the culprit responsible for the mysterious death of ‘Mr Sellit’. We also practised taking fingerprints and learnt more about life in Victorian times. The children behaved brilliantly and we had a fantastic time.
Super space assembly!
Class 5 did a wonderful assembly all about space and the solar system. They had learned lots of facts about the planets, sang and signed and excellent song and performed some brilliant space poems. It was lovely to see so many parents too!
Amazing solar system models
The children in Class 5 were set a task of making models of the solar system. They have done a great job!
Abbey House Museum Trip
Year 5 became detectives for the morning at Abbey House Museum. We travelled through the cobbled streets, hunting for clues to find the culprit responsible for the mysterious death of ‘Mr Sellit’. We also practised taking fingerprints and learnt more about life in Victorian times. The children behaved brilliantly and we had a fantastic time.
God and The Big Bang Trip
Class 5 took part in an exciting workshop at Leeds Minster recently on the subject of 'God and the Big Bang'. We enjoyed experiencing a range of activities led by Christian scientists, who taught us about rainbows, bubbles, fossils and optical illusions. It was a really interesting and informative day and we helped to generate lots of interesting questions about science and religion.
Stardome Visitor
Class 5 had an exciting visit from Mr Lunn and his Stardome. We really enjoyed this experience and learnt lots of new information about our science topic of Space and our history topic of Ancient Greece. We behaved brilliantly and had a fantastic time!
Y5 visit Ripon
In year 5 we were very excited to visit our pen pals at Ripon Cathedral School recently. We spent the morning completing a photo treasure hunt around the school; taking photographs to depict different emotions and exploring their extensive grounds. We then played a fun and friendly game of rounders. What a lovely day!