St Peter's Church of England Primary School

member of Leeds Diocesan Learning Trust

Cromwell Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS9 7SG

0113 2934411

[email protected]

Class 1 

Keeping Safe
Class 1 have enjoyed a variety of lessons about Keeping Safe. They have looked at staying safe online, keeping their bodies safe, only going somewhere with trusted adults and bullying.
Class 1 have been enjoying using the large apparatus for gymnastics. They have been balancing and moving along the equipment with care and control.
Abbey House Museum 
Class 1 visited Abbey House Museum to learn about homes long ago. They cleaned the house, washed the clothes and learnt how hard life is without electricity! They also looked around the museum and found a shop selling Burmantofts Pottery.
Class 1 enjoyed going on a material hunt around school. They found some objects were made of more than one material. They used the labels: wood, glass, plastic, fabric, brick and metal to identify what objects were made from.
Class 1 have been looking around the local area, for human and physical features. We noticed there are more human features and enjoyed pointing to where we live and the shops we go to. We talked about the post box and linked it to why we need postcodes.
Skelton Grange
Class 1 had a great trip to Skelton Grange to learn all about the seasons. They looked at changes that were taking place as we go into the winter. There were evergreen and deciduous trees, and the ground was covered with different coloured leaves. We had a great time making gnomes, which needed a winter coat to keep them warm. The afternoon was brilliant, playing in the woods!
DT - Food Technology
As a class we prepared fruits, some fruits needed the peel removing. We watched Miss Stockton show us how to use the ‘bridge’ and ‘claw’ to cut up food safely, and then used the claw cut to cut up some fruits for the fruit salad. We discussed how the different colours made the salad look more delicious.
Little Red Riding Hood
Class 1 performed an amazing mini-production of the story 'Little Red Riding Hood' for their Class assembly. So many parents came to watch. The children sang beautifully and spoke with confidence. Mrs Holliday was worried about having nightmares, after watching the wolf creeping about!
In geography the children have used maps, and atlases to locate and name the four countries that make up the United Kingdom. They remembered from prior learning that a globe represents the Earth and a world map is a flat version of a globe.
Road Safety
Class 1 enjoyed a workshop about Road Safety. We learnt a special rhyme to help us cross the road safely. Think, Stop, Look, and Listen.
We also learnt why it is important to always wear a seat belt in the car.

International Week

Class 1 had a brilliant week learning about New Zealand. We made ANZAC biscuits, and learnt a Poi Dance - which we sang to in Māori. We used a world map and a globe to locate New Zealand. We also had a drumming workshop in Class. 

Maths - Grouping and Sorting
We have been sorting objects into different groups. We explained how we had sorted them. We used the words:  by size, by shape or by colour.
Spelling Practise
We have been busy making our Look, Cover, Write and Check cards to help us learn our weekly spellings. 
September 2024
What a great start to a new school year. The children have all settled well, and are following the new routines.
We have used handwriting lines to practise writing the letter c.
Harlow Carr
As part of our plants topic in science we need to learn the names of different trees. We visited Harlow Carr in Harrogate to collect different types of leaves. 
We used a leaf identification bag, and looked carefully at the shape of the different leaves. We found so many different leaves: oak, willow, birch, holly and horse chestnut. After lunch we went to play in the tree house and in the park. It was a great day!  
Class 1 had a great time in their recent archery lesson. They needed a lot of strength to use the bow and arrow! 
Class 1 have been completing some geography fieldwork - looking at the different types of houses in the local area.
There are so many different types of houses: maisonettes, flats, high-rise flats, terraced houses and even a bungalow!
History - Homes In The Past
Class 1 went to Abbey House Museum to learn what life was like a long time ago. Life was very different without electricity, and there was nothing made from plastic. Cleaning the house and doing the washing was really hard work! We didn’t like the idea of using newspaper for toilet roll, or having to go outside to the toilet. It would be really hard living in a house with no bathroom.
Science - Materials
Class 1 enjoyed going on a materials hunt around school. They had to identify what material, different objects are made from. They also had to work scientifically and decide whether objects are made from only one material.
Class 1 Assembly
What a great performance the Year 1 children gave to their parents and the rest of the school! They retold the story of 'The Enormous Turnip' clearly and confidently. The singing was brilliant too.

Christmas Party Day

Class 1 have had a great Christmas Party Day! The children enjoyed a Christmas Dinner, and loved wearing their party hats in the hall. At the party we played musical statues, musical bumps and pass the parcel. Everyone enjoyed dancing and singing - it was lovely to see such happy faces! The children were so excited when they heard some sleigh bells ringing and had a visit from Santa and Mrs Claus!!

Class 1 went to Skelton Grange as part of their science work. We were thinking about the season of winter. We wore lots of clothes to keep us warm - hats, scarfs, and gloves!
As part of our 'animals topic' we thought about different types of birds, and sat quietly in the bird hide to watch for them coming to get food from the bird feeders. In groups we made some bird feeders to bring back to school. Another activity was looking at the difference between deciduous, and evergreen trees. We had an amazing day, which was finished by playing, and then sat around a campfire eating freshly popped popcorn. 
The children in Class 1 have enjoyed exploring sound through a story 'A Surprise Meeting'. They enjoyed using different instruments, and used the words high, low, fast, slow, quiet and loud.
ANZAC  Biscuits
During International Week, the children made ANZAC biscuits to take home and share with the parents at the special celebration on the Friday.
Anzac biscuits have long been associated with the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) established in World War I. It has been claimed that these biscuits were sent by wives and women's groups to soldiers abroad because the ingredients do not spoil easily and the biscuits kept well during naval transportation.
Bamboo Tamboo Workshop
As part of International Week, Class 1 had the opportunity to take part in a Bamboo Tamboo Workshop. We enjoyed playing the instrument, and made some great music!!!!

International Week

During International Week the children in Class 1 learnt about New Zealand. They used a globe and world maps to locate the United Kingdom and New Zealand. The children learnt that in New Zealand they speak English and Māori . The children made poi and learnt to sing a song in Māori.

In PE the children in Class 1 have been doing gymnastics. They have learnt different shapes such as tuck, straddle, straight and star shape. They have been practising making these shapes as they jump off the bench. The children are really good at remembering to bend their knees before jumping. 
The five Senses
Class 1 went to Thackray Medical Museum to learn about the five senses. They learnt which body part is used for which sense, and completed lots of  different activities. Did you know that we also use out nose to taste? We blocked our nose, and licked a piece of lemon - for most children the taste of the lemon was not so strong. We also got to play in the 'Sparks' area.
Portrait Hunt
Class 1 had great fun in Mrs Holliday's Art Gallery! The pictures were painted by her dad. We looked carefully for details in the portraits, and talked about what these details might tell us about the person in the picture.
Art - Portraits
Class 1 have looked at different artists and were inspired by the work of Yayoi Kusama. They enjoyed using a variety of media to create their own self-portraits. They look amazing!!
Year 1 have started their computing lessons. They have learnt  how to log in safely and why that is important. They also understand the My Work area is a private space. They know never to share their passwords and why it is important to always log out.
Animals - including Humans
Class 1 had a great day out at Cannon Hall Farm, thanks to the Yorkshire Children's Charity.  They used the opportunity to investigate first hand, and answer the scientific enquiry,  Do all animals have four legs?
The children found some animals have two, some have four and some have no legs.
The children really enjoyed their day walking around the farm and then playing in a maze!
Science - Animals, including humans.
In our first science lesson we have been naming different body parts. We sang the song 'head, shoulders, knees and toes'.
Our enquiry question was  Are all six year olds taller than five year olds?
Most of the children were very surprised that some five year olds are taller than some six year olds.
Class 1 have been working hard in maths, grouping and sorting objects by different rules. They have been using the words: size, shape and colour to describe how objects have been sorted. 


Class 1 have made an excellent start to the new school year. 
They have been phonics super stars, and have enjoyed using their white boards and pens to complete the writing part pf the session.
Fairy Tales
Class 1 enjoyed completing quizzes, puzzles and games about Fairy Tales. The children in Year 6 made them, to share with the children in Class 1. The children in Year 6 were really supportive and kind to the children in Year 1, both year groups had great fun! Thank you Class 6.
Class 1 went to Harlow Carr in Harrogate as part of their science topic 'Plants'. They had to collect different shaped leaves, look carefully at their leaf identification bag and name the tree they were from. They found a variety of leaves such as: willow, oak, horse chestnut, maple, and holly. After lunch they had a great time playing in the tree house, and using the trim trail. It was a great day!!

Balance Bikes

Class 1 have had the opportunity to learn new skills using balance bikes.   We played games and followed an obstacle course whilst practising to stay balanced. It was tricky but so much fun!

Class 1 had a great morning learning basketball skills! We were really good at bouncing and controlling the ball. 

Great Fire of London

Class 1 have enjoyed learning about the Great Fire of London. We remembered the Great Fire started in a bakers shop on Pudding Lane. As a class we learnt how quickly the fire spreads when houses are built so closely together, and that by blowing up some houses it stopped the fire from spreading. We made a human chain and buckets to try and stop the fire – It was hard work! 


What an amazing start to our new art topic -weaving! Look at the concentration on our faces, we really had to look carefully and remember to weave the paper under and over. Mrs Fletcher was very impressed.


In maths we have been learning about the words equal and unequal. We then used compare bears to make equal groups. When making equal groups, we had to make the correct number of groups and have the correct number of bears in each group. 


Class 1 have started a new topic in computing - Maze Explorers. We have enjoyed using the Beebots, to move from one square to another. To practise directions - moving backwards, forwards, left and right we have been using the 2go program on Purple Mash.


Class 1 have been looking at the work of South African artist Esther Mahlangu. They used their fingers to paint and make 3D model houses. 

Learning today - Friday 10th March

Good morning Class 1
I have set you a few tasks on Purple Mash, which I hope you enjoy.
Your new spellings are on Spelling Shed, practise them for your test on Thursday.
Remember the competition Mrs Smallwood set on Numbots, try and complete as many stages as you can.
There is also a new task on Bugclub (Spelling and Grammar).
I look forward to seeing you all on Monday!
Enjoy playing in the snow.
Love from Mrs Fletcher xxx

Keeping Safe day

Have a look below at what Class 1 learnt on Keeping Safe Day.

Class 1 have been measuring height and length this week. We have used the language taller than, shorter than and longer than.
We have been measuring using non-standard units of measure (paper clips, counters, cubes and links).
Abbey House Trip
Class 1 went to Abbey House Museum to learn what life was like a long time ago. Life was very different without electricity and there was nothing made from plastic. Cleaning the house and doing the washing was really hard work! We didn’t like the idea of using newspaper for toilet roll, or having to go outside to the toilet. It would be really hard living in a house with no bathroom.
As we walked around the streets inside the museum we found a shop selling Burmantofts Pottery!

Amazing Assembly

Class 1 performed an amazing assembly, sharing with their parents and the rest of school what they have learnt in science and geography. They learnt lots of new songs about how the seasons mean the weather, the food we eat, the clothes and shoes we wear are different.

Christmas Party
Class 1 had a great Christmas Party! They played lots of games, danced, sang and ate.  There was a perfect ending to the party when Santa arrived. The children cheered and were delighted to each receive a present. 
Geography Fieldwork
Class 1 have been busy exploring the school grounds to devise simple maps, and construct basic symbols in a key. 
Skelton Grange - Winter Crafts
Class 1 had an amazing day at Skelton Grange learning all about the season of winter. We started the day reading a book about the different seasons. We then thought about the season of Winter in more detail. We talked about the different types of weather, the clothes we need to wear and how we need to keep warm. We made gnomes, and gave them cosy, warm winter coats. We also made snowy owls and leaf crowns. We finished the day warming ourselves around a camp fire. We had such a great time!
Science - The Five Senses
Class 1 visited the Thackray Medical Museum to learn about the five senses. They used all of their senses, and did an experiment. They blocked their nose and licked some lemon, then they licked the lemon again (not blocking their nose). Some children said it didn't taste so strong with their noses blocked! After the workshop they had the opportunity to play in the play area and had great fun!!
Great Dancers!
Class 1 had a great PE session - they are now doing 'Dance'. They were all great at listening, following instructions and were excellent dancers! Look at their smiley, happy faces!!
We are Geographers!
Class 1 have had their first geography lesson. We used a map of the world, globes and atlases. We had great fun trying to find the United Kingdom on the world map and the globe. We learnt the names of the countries (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales) that make up the United Kingdom. At the end of the lesson we could look at the atlases - some children found a map of the United Kingdom and pointed to each of the countries.
International Week
Class 1 have had a fantastic week, learning all about New Zealand as part of International Week.
They learnt the capital city of New Zealand is Wellington and enjoyed the story of 'The Earnslaw Dragon' in English. The children learnt a song in Moari and loved swinging their poi!
We also took part in an African drumming workshop!!

Telling the Time

Class 1 have been busy learning to tell the time. They made clocks to take home, and have learnt to tell the time 'o'clock'. 

Portrait Hunt

Class 1 had great fun in Mrs Holliday’s Art Gallery. The pictures were painted by her dad. As a class we talked about what these details might tell us about the person in the picture.

Class 1 Portraits
Class 1 were inspired by the artist Yayoi Kusama and her polka dot self-portraits. They were very lucky to have 'Sophie' an artist come into class and explore different types of media to create some brilliant self- portraits. Thank you Sophie!

Cannon Hall Farm

Class 1 had a brilliant trip to Cannon Hall Farm, thanks to the Yorkshire Children's Charity. The children had great fun looking at the animals on the farm, and in the tropical house. As part of their science topic 'Animal, including humans',  they had to investigate whether all animals have four legs. It was great having a picnic lunch, and finishing the day with a disco!

An Introduction to Class 1

Wow! What an amazing turnout of parents for the Year 1 transition meeting with Mrs Fletcher. Thank you for coming everybody.


Class 1 started their science topic 'Animals, including humans' by singing 'Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes'. They all really enjoyed it, and sang beautifully!

Welcome to Class 1

The children have settled well into Class 1. They have learnt how to use the 'Look, Cover, Write and Check' method to learn their spellings, and they have also enjoyed using Rekenrek in Mastery Number lessons


Class 1 had a great time when a coach came in to teach them some basketball skills, they were really good at bouncing the ball!

Houses & Homes

Class 1 enjoyed a field work activity as part of their Geography work - looking at the different types of houses and homes in the area surrounding school. They found lots of different types of houses and homes, and recognised the type of home they lived in.

Harlow Carr Trip

Class 1 visited Harlow Carr in Harrogate, as part of their science work. The journey to Harrogate was so exciting, we saw lots of different animals in the fields. We even went over a bridge, to cross the river! Once inside Harlow Carr we had leaf identification bags, and collected different types of leaves. When collecting the leaves, we needed to look closely at the different shapes, and sizes. After lunch, we had a great time playing in the treehouse, and play area. It was a great day, and we were very tired when we got back to school.

Abbey House Trip

Class 1 visited Abbey House Museum to learn about life a long time ago. We remembered that there was no electricity and plastic had not been invented. We had to clean the house, and do the washing! It was great fun using the dolly tub, mangle and flat iron. We did not like the smell of the soap, which we had to grate, to put into the dolly tub. Fetching and carrying the hot water in a jug from the range was hard work too. 

We also visited the shops and houses on the cobbled street, and found a shop full of Burmantofts Pottery.

Party time!

Class 1 had a brilliant Christmas party. They looked wonderful in their party clothes and had lots of fun.

Class 1 Nativity

Class 1 had a lovely morning with their parents. They watched the nativity on the big screen, and enjoyed singing along with the songs they had learnt. The children then sat with their parent, and completed a Christmas What Am?  activity. 
This was followed with a cup of delicious hot chocolate with squirty cream and sprinkles! The children were so excited to see Father Christmas, and receive a present. 
Finally, the parents enjoyed looking through their children's books - it was lovely hearing the children talk about the work they had done.  
A very busy, and enjoyable morning. It was lovely to see so many smiley faces.
Skelton Grange Trip
Class 1 had a brilliant day at Skelton Grange as part of their science and geography work.
  • We read a book about the seasons, and knew it is now Winter
  • We looked for deciduous and evergreen trees, and looked closely at similarities and differences between leaves.
  • We read the story 'Owl Babies' and learnt about nocturnal animals. Then we made some snowy owls.
  • We thought about the clothes we need for each season, and made some gnomes. We remembered to make them a winter coat to keep them warm!
  • The afternoon was spent playing in the woods. Some children made a den with sticks and leaves (it's really important we have a shelter to keep us dry and warm in the winter). 
  • The end of the day was spent around a camp fire, to keep us warm. We had a special treat - POPCORN, which was popped over the fire.
        It was a brilliant day!

International Week - New Zealand

Class 1 have enjoyed learning about New Zealand. 
They have learnt to sing a song in Maori:
Swing my poi up high
 Swing my poi down low
 Swing it up high, down low, close to me, away from me 

Harlow Carr

Class 1 had a brilliant day at Harlow Carr. They collected leaves, and identified the tree they were from using a leaf identification bag. The children enjoyed a picnic lunch, and finished the day playing in the treehouse.

Class 1 have been looking at the work of Andy Goldsworthy.  Look at some of the amazing work we have done.

Fire of London

Class 1 have been leaning about the Great Fire of London in History. They know the houses were built of wood, and were very close to each other. We built paper house, and set a fire in The Bakers Shop on Pudding Lane. Then the hard work started, using a human chain with buckets of water Class 1 put the fire out. Look at the pictures and you will see we used the wrong buckets... In 1666 there were no plastic buckets as plastic had not been invented!

Class 1 Gardeners

Class 1 have started a new science topic, plants. They have learnt to label parts of a plant using the words: roots, branch, trunk, leaves, flower, and stem. They have worked very hard in the school garden, preparing a bed for growing plants and seeds. Once the bed was ready, they have planted some strawberry and leek plants. They have also sowed radishes, lettuces, spring onions and sunflower seeds. Keep your eye on the garden for some delicious fruits and vegetables!

Home Learning

Good morning Class 1

There is lots of lovely learning for you all. Click on the link below to find out what we  would like you to do. Let Mrs Fletcher and Miss Stockton know how you are doing on the blog.

Remember - only do the activities you have been asked to do.

We miss you lots - stay safe!

Love Miss Parry xxx

Week 8

This will be our last week of home learning and we are looking forward to seeing you all back in school on Monday 8th March. 

3 more sleeps until school starts!!!

Learning for Friday 5th March

Answers for Friday 5th March

Learning for Thursday 4th March

Answers for Thursday 4th March

The Good Samaritan Powerpoint

Learning for Wednesday 3rd March

Answers for Wednesday 3rd March

Learning for Tuesday 2nd March

Answers for Tuesday 2nd March

Learning for Monday 1st March

Answers for Monday 1st March

Week 7

Learning for Friday 26th February

Answers for Friday 26th February

Learning for Thursday 25th February

Answers for Thursday 25th February

Learning for Wednesday 24th February

Answers for Wednesday 24th February

Learning for Tuesday 23rd February 

Answers for Tuesday 23rd February

Monday 22nd February is a training day so teachers will not be on the blog as they will be busy doing other jobs today.

Learning for Monday 22nd February

Answers for Monday 22nd February

Art Powerpoint for Monday 22nd February

Week 6

Learning for Friday 12th February

Answers for Friday 12th February

Learning for Thursday 11th February

Answers for Thursday 11th February

Learning for Wednesday 10th February

Answers for Wednesday 10th February

Learning for Tuesday 9th February

Answers for Tuesday 9th February

Learning for Monday 8th February

Answers for Monday 8th February

Week 5

Learning for Friday 5th February

Answers for Friday 5th February

Learning for Thursday 4th February

Answers for Thursday 4th February 

Learning for Wednesday 3rd February

Answers for Wednesday 3rd February

Wednesday Worship

Learning for Tuesday 2nd February

Answers for Tuesday 2nd February

Learning for Monday 1st February

Answers for Monday 1st February

Week 4

Learning for Friday 29th January

Answers for Friday 29th January

Learning for Thursday 28th January

Answers for Thursday 28th January

Learning for Wednesday 27th January

Information on adjectives for Wednesday 27th January

Answers for Wednesday 27th January

Wednesday Worship with Mrs Holliday

Learning for Tuesday 26th January

Answers for Tuesday 26th January

Learning for Monday 25th January

Answers for Monday 25th January

Week 3

Learning for Friday 22nd January

Answers for Friday 22nd January

Learning for Thursday 21st January

Maths, English and Geography answers

Learning for Wednesday 20th January

Maths answers

Mrs Holliday's Wednesday Worship

Learning for Tuesday 19th January

Maths answers

Learning for Monday 18th January

Maths answers 

Week 2

Learning for Friday 15th January

Seren's Seasons Story Friday 15th January

Learning for Thursday 14th January

Learning for Wednesday 13th January

Learning for Tuesday 12th of January

Learning for Monday 11th of January

Week 1

Learning for Friday 8th of January

Learning for Thursday 7th of January

Learning for Wednesday 6th of January

How to use Purple Mash

Click above for a short clip to show you how to use Purple Mash - thank you to Mrs Vickers for putting it together for us. Please help your child to send messages to their teachers in the blog and upload pictures of their work. We look forward to hearing from you!

Click below for a link to Purple Mash

Santa's Farm

Happy Christmas!
Class 1 have learnt a poem called 'Sweet Symbol' the author is unknown. They have hung candy canes on the Class 1 Christmas tree, and are looking forward to taking one home.
Merry Christmas to all our families, love from Class 1.

Home Learning

Happy Friday Class1! Mrs Fletcher has given you lots of lovely work to do. Remember to go onto Purple Mash to leave her a message and see what other activities are waiting for you. Have a lovely weekend. I am looking forward to seeing you all next week.

Love Miss Parry xxx

Activities for Friday 6th November

Answers for Friday 6th November


Good morning Class 1. Have a great day. We are very happy with how hard most of you are working. Keep it up!

Activities for Thursday 5th November

Answers for Thursday 5th November

Answers for Thursday 5th November


Happy Wednesday Class 1. Mrs Fletcher was really pleased with how hard you were working yesterday. Remember to make sure you are doing the work that correct work each day.

Have a brilliant day!

Activities for Wednesday 4th November

Answers for Wednesday 4th November

Mrs Holliday's Assembly - enjoy it with your family


Good morning Class 1!

I hope you are all well and enjoyed the lovely activities that Mrs Fletcher gave you to do yesterday. Mrs Fletcher told me that most of you were working very hard. Well done!

Thank you to all of the parents who collected the learning packs. The rest will hopefully be sent home today. 

Remember to only do the activities Mrs Fletcher tells you to do.

She would love to hear from you on the Class 1 Blog on Purple Mash. Click on the link below to help you to log on. 

Have a lovely day. We miss you lots and will see you very soon.

Love Miss Parry

Activities for Tuesday 3rd November

Answers for Tuesday 3rd November

Activities for Monday 2nd November


Thank you                        

Important Letter for Parents

International Week

Class 1 have been learning about New Zealand as part of International week. Using a globe and a world map they have located England and New Zealand. We have also compared the seasons for the month of October in England (Autumn)  and New Zealand (Spring). They have also learnt to count to ten in Maori.

Activities for Tuesday 20th October 2020

Class 1 are going to have a practise at learning online today.

Self Portraits
Class 1 had a lovely afternoon looking at portraits. The children had to look carefully to find smaller details in the pictures. 
They have been inspired, and are all ready to start some 'self-portraits'.

Hello Class 1!

Click on the links to read messages and information from your teacher. 

Week 9

Activities for Friday 12th June

Activities for Thursday 11th June

Maths answers for Thursday 11th June

Activities for Wednesday 10th June

Maths Answers for Wednesday 10th June

Hand Washing for Wednesday 10th June

Activities for Tuesday 9th June

Maths answers for Tuesday 9th June

Activities for Monday 8th June

Maths answers for Monday 8th June

Abbey House Museum

What was it like living in the past? Living in a house with no electricity?
The children in Class 1 visited Abbey House Museum to learn about homes long ago. We spent the morning working hard to do the washing and cleaning.  

Fruit Salad

In D.T, Class 1 learnt about cutting food safely, using the 'bridge' and 'claw'. They peeled fruit and stirred the ingredients together to make a fresh fruit salad. The children enjoyed eating fruits they had never tasted before!

Skelton Grange Trip

Class 1 had a great trip to Skelton Grange. The children learnt about the seasons and the different signs. The day started by playing a hibernation game and then had the opportunity to explore the grounds and make some winter crafts. In the afternoon they made dens and played in the mud kitchen. The day finished with an open fire and freshly made popcorn!

Thackray Medical Museum Workshop - Teeth and Health Eating

We couldn't visit Thackray Medical Museum this year as it is closed for re-refurbishment. Instead, the museum came to us! We had a brilliant workshop on teeth and healthy eating. We learned what our different types of teeth do and started off by making a banana sandwich! We used a knife to cut the sandwich into smaller bits - this is the job of our incisor teeth at the front. Then we ripped the pieces with our fingers - this is like the job of our canine teeth (we woofed like dogs when we did this!) We then used a potato masher to squish the bits - this is like the job of our molar teeth! We put everything into a bag which we pretended was a stomach. We added some water to pretend it was saliva and then added some acids (vinegar and soap liquid) and squished it all together - it looked yucky! We saw some bubbles in the bag and we thought it was very funny like human wind!!! We also looked at some tools used a long time ago to pull teeth out! We will remember to brush our teeth twice a day!  We had a great time and learned lots!

Temple Newsam Trip

Class 1 visited Temple Newsam house to look at some amazing portraits. The children then created a portrait of a man they named Peter.They learnt some new words: background, foreground, pose and sitter. Some of the children dressed up as some of the people in the portraits, and the other children sketched them.

R.E. A Sense of Belonging
Class 1 visited Leeds Minster to learn about baptism.  The children enjoyed taking on the role of 'Parents' and 'Godparents' to Rebecca, Joshua and Ruby.
PE - Using the large apparatus.
The children have been learning how to use the large apparatus safely. They can now jump off the bench, remembering to bend their knees and hold their landing position. Next week we will be learning 'tuck' and 'star' shapes. 
A busy start to Year 1.
We have been forming lovely shaped letters in handwriting, making NUMICON number lines in Maths and sketching some self-portraits in Art.

Harlow Carr

Class 1 had a brilliant day at Harlow Carr Gardens. They used leaf identification bags to collect different types of leaves. After a picnic lunch, there was time to play in the tree house and visit the bird hide.

Fire Fighters

Class 1 had great fun learning about the Great Fire of London. They worked hard with Mr Birkinshaw to try and put the fire out, by passing buckets of water along the chain. 


Class 1 completed some fieldwork. They walked around the area surrounding school, identifying the different types of homes. 

We saw: terraced houses, high-rise flats, flats, semi-detached houses, maisonettes and a bungalow!

Looking after pets

In science, the children in class 1 have been learning about looking after pets. Miss Spinks brought her pet guinea pig to visit us. We thought he was very cute and got to stroke him and feed him. We learned that he needs food, water, shelter and lots of cuddles!

Abbey House Museum

Class 1 visited Abbey House Museum to learn about homes long ago, with no electricity. The children had to work very hard cleaning and washing. They also sorted pegs into 'new' and 'old'. 

Media conversion failed.