St Peter's Church of England Primary School

member of Leeds Diocesan Learning Trust

Cromwell Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS9 7SG

0113 2934411

[email protected]

Class 4 

DT - Pneumatic Egyptian Sarcophaguses

Year 4 have made Egyptian sarcophaguses as their latest DT project.

First, they had to decide who might use their design and think of 4 design criteria they would try to meet with their product.

Next, they had to design their mummy and sarcophagus lid.

After that they had to use a saw to cut the pieces of dowel to the correct length and wood glue to stick the necessary pieces together.

Then, they had to set up the pneumatic system using pipes and syringes and attach the mummy and lid.

Finally they evaluated their product against their original design criteria.

Year 4 Science – States of Matter

Year 4 have just started their new Science topic all about solids, liquids and gases.

First, they sorted substances into solids, liquids and gases. After that, they learnt about the properties and particle arrangements of each state of matter. Finally, they split into 3 groups, and each group had to represent the particles in one of the states of matter. Watch the videos and try to work out which state of matter each group is representing.

Christmas Fair - To raise money for endangered animals

On the 17th December, Year 4 held a mini Christmas Fair after school to raise money for endangered animals. They raised over £120 towards their cause and will shortly be continuing their efforts to raise the rest of the money they require to sponsor their chosen animals.

Scott Hall Church Visit

As part of their RE topic, class 4 visited Scott Hall Church to attend a bible journey. It taught about the life of Jesus from birth to his ascension. The characters took us through the story and then the children had time to try different foods that would have been eaten in the time Jesus was on earth. They finished by doing a quiz about all the information they had learned

Year 4 - First cricket session with coach

Year 4 enjoyed their first session with a cricket coach on Monday. They learnt and practised some new skills, such as how to bowl. They listened carefully and followed advice on how to improve their bowling action.

International Week - Switzerland

Year 4 have learnt all about Switzerland this week. They also learnt a Swiss hiking song, which they performed to our visitors. Chocolate is very popular in Switzerland, so we tried some chocolate fondue with fruit. I am so impressed with all the facts the children have remembered about Switzerland and the enthusiasm for the learning we have done. Well done Year 4.

Trip to Skelton Grange

Science - Living Things and Their Habitats

Year 4 went on their first school trip of the year to Skelton Grange. They learnt all about living things and their habitats. First, they played a couple of games. After that, they split into 3 groups to take part in the various activities. These included pond dipping, minibeast hunting, predator/prey hide and seek, and habitat mats. The children enjoyed their first trip and behaved well.

Minibeast Hunt

Year 4 carried out a minibeast hunt in the school grounds. Carefully, they looked under rocks, around the plants and on the trees. They looked around the banking area, the trees on the playground and the garden area. Lots of woodlice were found, along with spiders, worms, slugs, snails, flies, ants, ladybirds, centipedes and a wasp. The children were very considerate towards the tiny creatures and their habitats.

Science - Living Things and Their Habitats

The children in Year 4 worked in groups to discuss the features of a variety of animals. They then sorted the animals into mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds and fish.

Practical Place Value Session

The children in Year 4 worked with a partner to show numbers up to 1,000 using place value equipment. They then used their charts and equipment to add or subtract multiples of 1, 10 or 100 from a 3-digit number, using their knowledge of exchanging, when necessary.

Into University Careers Workshop

Year 4 enjoyed learning all about three interesting careers - Foley Artist, Research Scientist and Museum Curator. They learnt about what each job involved, then practised some of the skills required to be successful in that job.

Go Ape Trip

Year 4 enjoyed their trip to Go Ape situated at Temple Newsam. First, they played some team games, where they had to work together to complete the tasks.

After lunch, the children had to listen carefully to the safety information, then they had a go at the rope courses high up in the trees. The children were very brave, and their behaviour and manners were excellent.

Year 4 Science - Digestion

Year 4 have been learning all about digestion in Science. They have learnt about the organs involved and the processes carried out by each of these. The children placed the parts of the digestive system in the correct place on a volunteer from their group, then we used everyday objects to model the process of digestion from beginning to end.


Year 4 really enjoyed their fencing session. First, they learnt about footwork and played some games to practise this - only moving forwards and backwards is allowed, no moving to the side. Then, the children took turns to put on the special fencing gear and have a match with a partner. First to 3 points was the winner. The children listened to the coach and followed his instructions well. He was really pleased with their behaviour and ability to get on with the activity and umpire and score for each other. Well done year 4. A great session.


Class 4 have completed a unit in RE called 'How did life change for the believers after Pentecost?'

They produced some excellent 'Show it' work to explain what they had learned. Also click below to watch a film some children made showing a reporter in Jerusalem interviewing Peter and a crowd member about the events of Pentecost. 

Year 4 Tudor Assembly

Year 4 have enjoyed learning all about the Tudors. For their assembly, they performed a play and sang a song all about Henry VIII and his 6 wives. Then, they presented some random Tudor facts. 

DT Project - wire loop game

Year 4 worked on a project in DT to make a working Wire Loop Game. First, they looked at and evaluated some existing products. Then they worked in a small group to design their own game. They then cut and bent the wire and designed the base board. After that they created a working circuit (using the skills they had learned during our Electricity Topic in Science) which included the wire loop and the hook. They put it all together, tested it out and decorated it to look aesthetically pleasing. The children were proud of their final products.

Tudor Trip to Temple Newsam House

Year 4 visited Temple Newsam house to extend their knowledge of Tudors and look for evidence that Tudors actually lived there. First, they learnt about all the owners of the house from 1500 to the present day. After that, they studied different portraits, working out if they were from the Tudor period - looking for evidence such as ruffs and padded stomachs. They dressed as rich Tudors and performed a Tudor dance. All around the house there was evidence of the Tudors, such as panelled walls and secret stags. Finally, the children played a mystery object game. They had to tell the truth and make up a lie about their object, then the rest of the children had to vote which they thought was the correct one.

The children’s behaviour was exemplary and they were praised by members of staff for their listening skills and sensible behaviour.

Cuban Salsa with Pedro

Year 4 enjoyed their salsa session with Pedro. They also learnt some more Spanish words useful when dancing the salsa.

History - Diamond 9 Activity

Year 4 worked in pairs to discuss the reasons Henry VIII split with the Catholic Church and created The Church of England. They then ranked the reasons in a Diamond 9, with the reasons they felt were the most important to Henry at the top of the diamond.

Year 4 PE - Dance Routines 

Year 4 concluded their Dance Unit in PE, by creating their own routines. They worked in pairs to put together a routine based on circles, containing leaps, individual and partner balances and different ways of moving, at a variety of heights/levels. They could adapt their routine to pieces of music with different styles and tempos. Each group chose their favourite music for the final performance of their routine to the class. Their classmates then told them something they enjoyed about the routine.

Year 4 Science - Electricity

Year 4 have been learning about electricity and creating electrical circuits in their science lessons. They have made their own switches and then inserted them into a circuit which they had built. They then used their switch to turn the light bulb in their circuit on and off.

DT - Pneumatic Egyptian Sarcophaguses

Year 4 have made Egyptian sarcophaguses as their latest DT project. First, they had to decide who might use their design and think of 4 design criteria they would try to meet with their product. Next, they had to design their mummy and sarcophagus lid. After that they had to use a saw to cut the pieces of dowel to the correct length and wood glue to stick the necessary pieces together.

Then, they had to set up the pneumatic system using pipes and syringes and attach the mummy and lid. Finally they evaluated their product against their original design criteria.

Scott Hall Church Workshop

This week class 4 attended a workshop at Scott Hall Church. They learned about the Book of Acts and the way Christianity grew after Jesus had ascended. It was so interesting to hear the journey of Paul and the challenges he faced in spreading God's message around so many places. He faced so many challenges on his journey . The children heard the accounts from different people in the Bible. They tasted foods that would have been eaten at the time and tried out the stocks that were used to keep prisoners in. Afterwards they completed a quiz about what they had learned. 

Year 4 - STEM workshop

Year 4 really enjoyed their morning working with professionals such as civil engineers, designers, planners and surveyors.

First, the professionals all introduced themselves and told us about their jobs. Then, the task was introduced - to design a park or part of a park in groups. The children all had a design pack and shared their ideas with their group and professional, before deciding together what they would design and build in their park. They worked together to build their design. Finally, they explained their park to a different professional, who had been working in a different room.

The children were enthusiastic, creative and listened well. They had some very interesting ideas about what to include in their designs.

Year 4 Science – States of Matter

Year 4 have just started their new Science topic all about solids, liquids and gases.

First, they sorted substances into solids, liquids and gases. After that, they learnt about the properties and particle arrangements of each state of matter and watched a video of a man walking across a swimming pool full of custard. Finally, they split into 3 groups, and each group had to represent the particles in one of the states of matter. Watch the videos and try to work out which state of matter each group is representing.

International Week

Class 4 spent the week learning all about Switzerland, we especially enjoyed the fondu! The parents loved seeing the amazing dancing  we had learnt - look how fabulous we all looked on Friday!

International Week - Bamboo Tamboo Workshop
As part of our International Week experience, Mrs Smallwood kindly organised a 30 minute Bamboo Tamboo session for our class. We played three instruments, each of a different pitch. They sounded lovely when played at the same time. We enjoyed learning lots of new rhythms.
Bamboo Tamboo is a Trinidadian percussion instrument created in Trinidad and is an instrument which predated the creation of steelpan, which we play at school.

Skelton Grange – October 2023

Year 4 visited Skelton Grange for a Living Things and Their Habitats workshop. This was our first trip of the year. They really enjoyed pond dipping and doing a minibeast hunt. They also learnt all about food chains. Year 4’s behaviour was excellent, they listened well, shared what they already knew and have expanded their scientific knowledge.

Representing numbers to 10,000 – September 2023

The children worked in pairs, to play games involving making 4-digit numbers.

First, they placed the digits 0-9 face down, then took turns to pick a card and choose which column it should go in on their place value grid. Before each game we chose a target, for example – highest number, lowest number, largest even number, number closest to 5,000. We then played some of the games again, but this time you could choose to put your card in your partner’s grid (nrich nice or nasty).

Place Value Session – September 2023

Year 4 enjoyed a practical place value session. They made their tables into large place value charts and showed that they could make and partition numbers to 1,000. They then used their charts to find 10 or 100 more or less than a number.

Into University Session - Careers Workshop

Year 4 enjoyed their Into University Careers workshop. They learnt about the knowledge and skills required to be a foley artist, a research scientist and a museum curator. Well done Grace and Elnathan, who were chosen by the Into University staff as the best workers of the session.

Go Ape!

Class 4 had a fabulous time at Go Ape. They all listened to the instructions really well and then were very sensible during all the activities. Look how brave the children were!

Ultimate Frisbee

Year 4 enjoyed their lesson in Ultimate Frisbee. We watched a clip of a game of Ultimate Frisbee – it was very quick. The coach showed the children how to throw and catch the Frisbees, and they practiced some of the skills needed to play the game of Ultimate Frisbee.  The session ended with a target game, aiming the Frisbees at cones.

Extra PE Session

As the children have been missing their swimming lessons, we have been doing some extra PE sessions on a Monday afternoon. We have learnt skills such as juggling and ball games you can play by yourself.

This afternoon, the children had a variety of equipment to choose from; with the instructions to work on a skill or set a challenge for themselves or a group (they could use ideas from Friday’s PE lesson). The children chose to do a variety of activities including juggling, hula hooping, target challenges, dribbling challenges and short courses for them and their friends. Elnathan was good at hula hooping, so thought he would challenge himself by trying to juggle at the same time. When he managed this he added the challenge of balancing a quoit on his head (see the video). The children had lots of fun, worked together and got some extra fresh air and exercise.

DT Loop Game

Year 4 worked on a project in DT to make a working Wire Loop Game. First they looked at and evaluated some existing products. Then they worked in a small group to design their own game. They then cut and bent the wire and designed the base board. After that they created a working circuit (using the skills they had learned during our Electricity Topic in Science) which included the wire and the loop. They put it all together, tested it out and decorated it to look aesthetically pleasing. The children were proud of their final products.

Learning About the Digestive System

In Year 4, we have been learning about Teeth and the Digestive System. The children read the descriptions and purposes of the different parts of the digestive system. They then worked together in groups to cut out the parts and put them in the correct places in the outline of one of the group’s body. 

King's Coronation Celebrations

We had lots of fun learning about and celebrating the King's Coronation. We made crowns and played some games together. We had LOTS of cakes too!

RE - Holy Week

Learning today - Friday 10th March

Good morning Year 4.
I hope you enjoy playing in the snow today.
Please will you practise your spellings on Spelling Shed and make sure you spend at least half an hour on TTRS (we need to give Year 5 some competition).
Spend some time reading your reading book or on Bug Club.
I have set you two 2dos on Purple Mash, so please complete these - one is adding and subtracting fractions and the other is a grammar vocabulary quiz. You could also have a go at one of the coding activities.
I hope you have a good day.
See you on Monday - don't forget your swimming kits!
Miss Higson

Sound Workshop

‘Sam the Soundman’ visited Year 4 to introduce their new Science topic all about Sound. He brought a lot of equipment with him to demonstrate how sound is made, how it travels and how to change pitch and volume. All children had a chance to help Sam with at least one of his demonstrations.

World Book Day 2023

Children in Year 4 shared their favourite book with their classmates. They got one minute to talk about their book with a partner, then their partner got one minute to talk about their favourite book. After that, they swapped partners and repeated the activity with a few different children. At the end of the session, children shared with the rest of the class, one of their partners’ favourite books and why they had chosen that particular book.

Pancake Races

Year 4 enjoyed their trip to Leeds Minster to take part in pancake races. They cheered each other on and the winner of each race received a crème egg. After the races they enjoyed eating pancakes with strawberry sauce or maple syrup.

Tudor trip to Temple Newsam

Year 4 enjoyed their trip to Temple Newsam to further their learning about Tudors.

First, they learnt about the previous owners of Temple Newsam, which is now owned by Leeds City Council. Then, they learnt about how Tudors used to dress. The children really enjoyed dressing up in posh Tudor clothes and learning a short Tudor dance. After that, they looked at some of the many portraits on display around Temple Newsam house and discussed the impression the people were wanting to give through their portraits.

After lunch, Year 4 went on a tour of the house, looking for evidence that Tudors used to live there and also looked at some letters written by Lord Darnley. Finally, in groups, the children played a mystery object game, where the rest of the class had to listen to five possible uses for the object, only one of them being true and decide what the object was actually used for.

Year 4 were praised for their excellent behaviour and listening skills, remembering lots of information. They also asked some sensible and thoughtful questions. Well done Year 4.

Colourful Semantics

Year 4 have been using colourful semantics to build and alter the order of sentences about electricity. They worked with a partner and thought carefully about the extra words and suffixes they needed to add to make their sentences make sense.

Keeping Safe Day

Year 4 enjoyed their Keeping Safe Day. They listened well, had lots of ideas and worked independently, with a partner or in a small group to complete a variety of activities and tasks related to:

Bullying - a brainstorm to answer the question ‘What is bullying?’

Stranger Danger - role play showing the correct and incorrect way to react to a situation.

Healthy and Unhealthy Boundaries - sorting cards as to whether the situations involved healthy or unhealthy boundaries.

Online Safety - Discussions about a story and powerpoint, discussing keeping safe on the internet.

Science - Electricity

Year 4 have been learning all about electricity, including electrical circuits. This week, they made their own switches and tested them in a working circuit they had created. We will be using our knowledge next term to design, make and test a simple electronic game during our DT lessons.

PE - Dance

Year 4 have been studying Dance in their PE lessons this half term. They have been practising a variety of moves based on circles, independently and then with a partner. They chose a variety of balances, jumps, lifts and ways of travelling and put them together in a routine with their partner. Finally, they performed their routine to their classmates to their choice of music. Enjoy the videos below...

Trip to Leeds Museum

Year 4 visited Leeds Museum to consolidate their learning about Ancient Egyptians. They got to see a 3,000 year old mummy called Nesyamun, along with many other ancient artefacts. They then carried out the mummification process on a young boy, whose foot had been bitten off by a crocodile, resulting in him drowning in the River Nile. The children enjoyed their trip and were praised by Susan, who ran the workshop, for their behaviour.


Year 4 Yoga

As the hall has been quite busy recently, Year 4 enjoyed doing a yoga session, based on a Christmassy story, in the classroom.  Yoga is great for mindfulness and it was lovely to take a bit of time to be calm and slow down a little in amongst all the excitement of Christmas.

Egyptian mummification

Year 4 have been learning all about Ancient Egyptians. We acted out the steps of the mummification process:

  • Washing the body
  • Removing the liver, intestines, stomach and lungs to be put in Canopic jars
  • Removing the brain, after mashing it and pouring it out through the nose
  • Drying out the body with natron
  • Stuffing the body
  • Wrapping the body, adding amulets for good luck
  • Putting the body in the sarcophagus

Efrata was an excellent “mummy” (and was not harmed at all in the process).


Class 4 had a fantastic PE lesson. We used the big apparatus very sensibly and learnt lots of new skills - look at our brilliant balancing!

International Week

We learnt all about Switzerland for International Week this year. As part of this, we made Swiss chocolate fondue with some marshmallows and healthy fruit - it was yummy!

African Drumming Workshop

As part of International Week, Class 4 enjoyed an African Drumming Workshop - they learnt how to play different rhythms on the djembe drums.

Skelton Grange Trip

As part of our Science topic, 'Living Things in their Habitat', we had a brilliant day at Skelton Grange observing and investigating the creatures we found there.

Successful Chess Tournament

On Sunday 9th October, Kavin participated in the 2022 Birmingham Junior Chess Open in the U11 Category (Group C) and we are delighted to share that he secured a Silver medal in this tournament - what a superstar!

Working with Sophie the Artist

An artist came in to school to work with the children, they did a pencil drawing of one of the buildings in Leeds, then painted it to look like the buildings in Barcelona designed by Gaudi.

Number and Place Value practical session

Year 4 made their tables into large place value charts and showed that they could make and partition numbers to 1,000. They then used their charts to find 10 or 100 more or less than a number.

Year 4’s Into University Session – Careers Workshop

Year 4 learned all about different careers and the skills needed for some of these careers. They worked in groups to learn about and practice some of the skills required to be palaeontologists and civil engineers. They discussed and shared their ideas and explained why they had chosen a particular spot to place their building and how they could identify the items they dug up.

Year 4 at Go Ape

Class 4 enjoyed their trip to Go Ape. They listened carefully to the safety points and then completed a number of the rope courses through the trees. There were a few scary moments and wobbly legs, but many children conquered their fears and impressed me with their bravery and determination to succeed. Well-done Year 4; you always make me proud when I take you on a trip.


Year 4 enjoyed having a go at archery. Their skills improved throughout the session, with lots of children hitting the target. Their final challenge was for their group to try and hit each different numbered section of the board. Robin Hood watch out!

Important Letter

Christmas Fun

Class 4 had a lovely time when their parents came to visit; they watched the Christmas performance, did a lovely activity, had a look at their children's books and enjoyed hot chocolate and biscuits.

Leeds Museum Trip

Year 4 visited Leeds Museum on the 24th November. They explored the Egyptian artefacts, saw an actual mummy that was 3,000 years old and had their own go at mummifying a body (a fabric body, not a real one).

Year 4 at Skelton Grange

Year 4 had an excellent day at Skelton Grange. Their behaviour, enthusiasm and engagement were amazing. Some of the activities they enjoyed doing, were a minibeast hunt, pond dipping, creating food chains and working on different environments.

International Week - Switzerland

Class 4 have spent the week learning all about Switzerland - look at the brilliant dance they have learnt.

Home learning

Good morning Class 4.

Miss Higson and Mrs Brady have planned lots of lovely learning for you all. Click on the link below to find out what they would like you to do. Let them know how you are doing on the blog.

Remember - only do the activities you have been asked to do.

We miss you lots - stay safe!

Love Miss Parry xxx

This will be our last week of home learning and we are looking forward to seeing you all back in school on Monday 8th March. 

3 more sleeps until school starts!!!

Learning for Monday 1st March until Friday 5th March

Learning for Monday 22nd February until Friday 26th February

Learning for Wednesday 10th February until Friday 12th February

Learning for Thursday 4th February until Tuesday 9th February

Learning for Wednesday 27th January until Tuesday 2nd February

Learning for Wednesday 20th of January until Tuesday 26th January

Learning for Wednesday 13th of January until Tuesday 19th January

Learning for Wednesday 6th of January until Tuesday 12th January

How to use Purple Mash

Click above for a short clip to show you how to use Purple Mash - thank you to Mrs Vickers for putting it together for us. Please help your child to send messages to their teachers in the blog and upload pictures of their work. We look forward to hearing from you!

Click below for a link to Purple Mash

Happy Christmas!

Santa's Farm

Home learning

Good morning Class 4. 

Well done to all of you who worked so hard last week. We are very impressed and have enjoyed looking at your blog.

2 more days of home learning and then we will see you back at school on Wednesday. We can't wait to see you!

Click below to find the work that Miss Higson has set for the next few days.

Remember - only do the activities she has asked you to do.

Log on to Purple Mash and let her know how you are doing. 

Have a brilliant day - we miss you all.

Love Miss Parry xxx

Learning for Monday 7th December and Tuesday 8th December

Important Letter for Parents of Class 4

International Week

We have been learning all about Switzerland for International Week. We found out that there are four main languages spoken in Switzerland: German, French, Italian and Romansh. We have been learning to count to 10 in all four of these languages.

Hi Class 4!

Hello everyone,

We hope you had a lovely weekend. Remember, just do what you can and don’t worry about getting on the internet if your sibling is using the device you need. Super work so far - keep it up!

A very special message from Miss Potter...


Temple Newsam Trip

On Wednesday, Class 4 went on a trip to study history in our local area. Did you know that Temple Newsam is a Tudor house that was actually owned by Henry VIII? We learnt all about the different owners of the house, became detectives to prove it was actually a Tudor House and then even got to dress up as Tudor lords and ladies!

Media conversion failed.
Media conversion failed.

Christmas Concert

Class 3 and 4 made their teachers very proud during their performance in the Christmas Concert. Do you recognise the tune?

Negative Numbers

Today we made a “human number-line” from -15 to 15. We then made smaller number-lines, for example, a number-line made with only even numbers and a number-line made only with odd numbers. Miss Potter then nominated different children to start at a number and jump up or down the number line, so that we could see which number we would end up at. Maths really can be fun!.

Rewind to Christmas

Class 4 went to Moortown Baptist Church to begin our Christmas celebrations. We learnt about The Christmas Story through acting and songs. Then we made our very own candlelight holders to represent that Jesus is the Light of the World. What a great way to remember the true meaning of Christmas!

Egyptian Workshop

Class 4 went to Leeds City Museum to do an Egyptian workshop. In the exhibition, we saw a real life mummy and lots of Ancient Egyptian artifacts. Then, we mummified the body of a boy called Sunny, who had been eaten by a crocodile! Finally, we made our very own Ancient Egyptian amulets. What a busy, but exciting morning!

Computing Workshop

On Friday, Class 4 had a computing workshop. We learnt about what 'Computer Science' was and how to follow algorithms to solve different problems. Miss Potter even managed to use an algorithm to solve a Rubik's cube! Then we programmed different characters on apps to do what we wanted. It was so fun and we all learnt a lot! Look at us in action...

International Day

Here are Class 4 on International Day. They all either dressed in their country's traditional clothes or in the colours of the Swiss flag. 

Making Fondue for International Week

Class 4 were learning about Switzerland during International Week, so we made a cheese fondue. Our favourite part was tasting it and dipping in the breadsticks and fruit that we had cut up. Yum!