Class 2
Year 2 enjoyed exploring keyboards today in our music lesson. We explored and developed our understanding of pitch. Using the keyboards, we learnt about high notes and low notes in a composition.
Marks & Spencer Museum Trip
As part of our learning about food and keeping healthy by eating a balanced diet, we visited the Marks and Spencer Museum at Leeds University. As well as thinking about different food groups, we thought about which country different food comes from and how food has changed. We also linked this to our history learning about how life was different in the past.
Skelton Grange Trip
Class 2 had a wonderful day at Skelton Grange. In science, we have been learning about what we need to survive - air, food, water and shelter. We were on a survival adventure at Skelton Grange and we had to work as a team to make a shelter, get across an imaginary river and escape from pirates! It was a brilliant day which we really enjoyed.
Keeping Safe Day
As part of their keeping safe day, Class 2 read the NSPCC Pants story and sang the song. We discussed that our pants are private and that No means NO! We created our own 'No!' pants for a poster. Then we drew a picture of our Trusted Adult. Our Trusted Adult is someone we can speak to if we feel sad or worried about something.
Science - Keeping Healthy
Class 2 have been thinking about how to eat a balanced diet. We created our own eat well plate with a variety of different food. We also researched the best way of washing our hands. It was a lot of fun!
Class 2 Assembly
Class 2 delivered an amazing assembly, telling the story of the Little Red Hen. The children performed and sang beautifully and lots of parents came a long to enjoy it!
Christmas Party!
The children had an amazing Christmas Party, with a very special visitor!
We represented our learning about Incarnation through art, posters and discussion
Inspired by Paul Klee, Year 2 created some beautiful collage art.
Guy Fawkes Visitor
As part of our history topic on Guy Fawkes, Class 2 have been looking at historical artefacts to find out how life was different 400 years ago. We looked carefully and drew the artefacts. We also thought carefully about what material they were made from and what they might be used for.
2d Shapes
We have been learning about the properties of 2d shapes - how many sides and vertices they have. We used art straws to create a range of 2d shapes and sorted them into different groups.
Abbey House Museum Trip
As part of our history learning, Class 2 have been learning about toys in the past. We have been thinking about similarities and differences between toys in the past and toys now. We visited the Abbey House Museum in Kirkstall and had the opportunity to handle old toys and compare them to toys in the present. We had a great time!
Library Visit
Today class 2 visited Chapeltown Reginald Centre Library. We enjoyed browsing the book selection and learnt about how we can join the library.
As part of our learning in Mindmate - feeling good and being me, we were recognising and celebrating our strengths. We made ourselves medals and wrote about what we were good at on the medals.
Toys in the Past
As part of our learning about Toys in the past, Mrs Holliday came to visit Class 2 to tell us about the toys that she played with when she was a child. We enjoyed hearing about her dolls, dolls house and marbles. Many of her toys were made by her family, not bought in a shop. We thought about similarities and differences between her toys and ours.
Class 2 had an excellent visit from Dave from D:side. He was teaching us about ways to keep healthy such as eating fruit and vegetables and doing lots of exercise. We also talked about parts of the body and what jobs they do. We even got to dress up! It was lots of fun.
This term we have been focusing on gymnastics. We have enjoyed working on our balances and rolls. Today, we explored both the big and small apparatus.
As part of our science learning about materials, we are revisiting our learning from year 1. We are comparing and group grouping together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of their physical properties. We looked carefully at a range of different materials and sorted them into 4 different groups according to their properties. Do you like our collages?
Maths - Place Value
Mosque Visit
Year 2 enjoyed their visit to Bilal Mosque. We looked at the features of a mosque and asked questions to deepen our understanding of Islam.
Lotherton Hall Trip
In science Class 2 have been learning about living things and their habitats. As part of their learning, they visited the bird garden at Lotherton Hall. We had a talk by a member of staff at the bird garden and looked at the replica skeletons of lots of different animals. We thought carefully about what type of animal they were and where they might have lived. Then we had a great time exploring the bird garden. It was a wonderful day in the sunshine.
Class 2 to had a great morning taking part in archery lessons this week! We learnt the correct way to hold a bow and arrow and how to stand. Then we had a go at firing the arrows at the target. It was very tricky at first, but with perseverance, we got better and better!
Filey Trip
Class 2 have been learning about features of the seaside in geography. As part of our learning, we went on an amazing trip to Filey! We had a delicious picnic and a great time on the beach building sandcastles, playing football and burying each other. After that we had a little paddle in the chilly sea! Finally, we enjoyed a tasty ice cream before coming back to school. We had a brilliant time! Thank you to all the parents who joined us on the trip and made it a real success.
RHS Visitors
We were very lucky that Jen and Jen came to visit Class 2 from the RHS. We worked in small groups to think about habitats and the different living creatures that we could find there. We looked carefully at different pictures. After that we explored our new Naturepark garden and looked for suitable habitats for a range of different creatures. We had a great morning!
Bathing Machines
Year 2 enjoyed making a bathing machine to show their learning about the seaside. They worked collaboratively to assemble and paint their boxes. We then used a hacksaw and vice to make the axles and wheels. The children enjoyed exploring how to attach their axles and wheels to the box.
Class 2 have been learning about position and direction in maths. We have been practising doing quarter and half turns with the beebots and turning in different directions. We had a lot of fun!
We have been learning about the compass rose and how we can use the points of the compass (north, south, east and west) to accurately direct people around a map. We worked with our friends to direct them around a mat using directions such as ‘Go east 3 spaces.’
Mindmate - PSHCE
As part of our Mindmate lesson in PSHCE, we were learning about the skill of perseverance - not giving up. We had to work as a team to try and build a tower out of newspaper. It was a very tricky challenge and we had to practice our co-operation skills. It was also a lot of fun!
St Andrew's Church Visit
Year 2 went to visit St Andrew’s Church in Roundhay. We enjoyed exploring the scenes from Holy week in the church garden. We discussed what they symbolised and how they made us feel.
We also looked inside the church and noticed the signs of Easter. We shared and deepened our learning about Easter with Rev Tim Lowe.
Inspired by Henri Matisse, Year 2 created their own version of Goldfish 1912. They used watercolours, paints and oil pastels to create these beautiful paintings.
More AMAZING pictures from our M&S archive trip
Thank you to M&S Archive and to Rich Bunce Walking Photographer for these fantastic photographs.
Dragon Hunt!
As part of our literacy work, Class 2 have been reading the book 'The Dragon Machine' by Helen Ward. We have been on dragon hunts around school and written a note of advice to the boy in the story. This week we have been creating our own dragon images in art. We hope you like them!
M&S Archive Trip
As part of our learning about food in science and DT, Class 2 went on a trip to visit the Marks and Spencer Archive at Leeds University. We thought about eating a balanced diet, where food comes from and how food has changed over the last 100 years. We even got to visit a replica Marks and Spencer shop and dress up in clothes from the past. We had a brilliant time!Enter text...
Gruffalo Assembly
Click on the picture below to watch our AMAZING Gruffalo assembly. Well done Class 2.
Gruffalo Assembly
Class 2 had a great time rehearsing and performing our Gruffalo assembly. We learnt poems, sang songs and performed a play. It was a great show! We hope you enjoyed watching it.
Skelton Grange Trip
Class 2 have been learning in science about what all humans need for survival - food, water, air and shelter. As part of our learning, we went on a Survival adventure day at Skelton Grange. We had to work as a team to get across the 'water', we built shelters, had to escape pretend pirates and enjoyed eating freshly cooked popcorn around the bonfire. We had a brilliant day!
Eat Well Plate
In science we have been learning about keeping our bodies healthy. We looked at the healthy eating plate and sorted food into different categories.
Teddy Bear Hospital
Class 2 had a visit from the Teddy Bear Hospital from Leeds University. The medical students were teaching us how to keep our teeth healthy by regular brushing, teaching us basic first aid, what to do in a medical emergency. We had a great time and our teddy bears did too!
Today we had a visit from D:side. We were learning rules about how to stay safe on the internet.
In class 2, we have been exploring multiplication and division using lots of practical resources to support our learning. We are getting really good at our times table facts for 2x, 5x and 10x table. We have also started using Timestable Rockstar to practise our facts!
Visit from Winnie
We had a visit from Winnie the dog. Mrs Holliday shared lots of information about the additional needs that Winnie has, such as needing a warm place to sleep, having her fur brushed, her diet, the type of exercise she needs and what happens if she is ill. We also talked about the types of food that were bad for Winnie e.g. chocolate.
Keeping Safe Day
Design Technology
In DT this term we are learning all about puppets. After looking at different types of puppets we created our own. We used scissors, glue and a paper bag to create our own character. We enjoyed playing with our puppets and sharing ideas with our friends.
Year 2 have been learning about the artist Paul Klee. Inspired by Senio 1922 we created our own portraits.
2d Shapes
Class 2 have been learning about the properties of 2d shapes - how many sides and vertices they have. We used art straws to create a range of 2d shapes and sorted them into different groups.
History - Guy Fawkes
As part of our history topic on Guy Fawkes, Class 2 have been looking at historical artefacts to find out how life was different 400 years ago. We looked carefully and drew the artefacts. We also thought carefully about what material they were made from and what they might be used for. We were thinking about differences and similarities between the past and the present.
PSHCE - D:Side
As part of the visit from D:side, in PSHCE Class 2 thought about how we are different to our friends, how our body works and being special. It was a very interesting morning and we learnt a lot about our bodies and the jobs our different organs do.
Abbey House Trip 2
Class 2 had a great time visiting Abbey House Museum this week. They participated in a workshop where they were able to play with toys from the past and compared them to the toys they play with today.
Abbey House Toy Museum
Class 2 had an excellent trip to the Abbey House Museum as part of their learning about toys from the past. We looked at the old toys and compared them to new toys, thinking about similarities and differences between them. We had a great time!
Mindmate - Feeling good and being me
As part of our learning, we were recognising and celebrating our strengths. We made ourselves medals and wrote about what we were good at on the medals.
Road Safety - Crossing the Road
As part of our PSHCE work, we have been learning about how to cross the road safely. Jake taught us about keeping safe in the car, on bikes and scooters and how to use the Green Cross Code. We then went outside and practised crossing the road safely.
Year 2 have been enjoying gymnastics to develop their co-ordination, balance and agility.
Pop Up Dolls
Year 2 designed and made their own pop up dolls. The children enjoyed using rulers and haw-saws to measure and cut the doweling. They used felt, wool, fabric scissors and glue to make their puppet unique. Take a look at our beautiful creations.
Science - Seeds & Bulbs
As part of our science learning, we have been learning about plants and how they can grow from seeds and bulbs. We planted cress seeds indoors. We looked carefully at the bulb packets before planting the spring bulbs - daffodils - outdoors in the school garden. We are looking forward to watching the bulbs grow in the spring!
Toy Talk
As part of our learning about Toys in the past, Mrs Holliday came to visit Class 2 to tell us about the toys that she played with when she was a child. We enjoyed hearing about her dolls, dolls house and marbles. Many of her toys were made by her family, not bought in a shop. We thought about similarities and differences between her toys and ours.
We looked at the Poem – Five Fat Conkers by Gervase Phinn. We noticed the recurring language and tried our best to read it with intonation and expression. We took a copy of the poem home to learn with our family. We really enjoyed stomping on conker shells and finding out what was inside!
We are learning about the difference between seeds and bulbs.
We discussed and answered the enquiry:
Which are the seeds and which are the bulbs?
We looked carefully at different seeds and bulbs and sorted them into different groups.
Year 2 pupils enjoyed learning about how Christians help homeless people at St George’s Crypt and at Simon on the Streets. We discussed what Jesus might say if he visited St George’s Crypt and why people might volunteer at St George’s Crypt or Simon on the Streets. We made cards and wrote prayers to send to the clients at Simon on the Streets.
The Tiger who came to Tea
In literacy, we have been reading the Tiger who came to tea by Judith Kerr. We have been re-reading the story using puppets so we are fluent readers. We practised using lots of expression in our voices to make it sound really interesting.
Can you find an example of a material for each property?
We looked carefully at a range of different materials and sorted them into 4 different groups according to their properties. We had a great time!
Class 2 Monsters!
As part of our Literacy work, Class 2 have been reading the book 'Not Now Bernard' by David McKee. We have drawn our own monsters in art and we are going to write a description of the monster using adjectives. We hope you like our pictures!
Back to School!
Class 2 have had a great few days! We have been using base 10 and straws to practise our place value skills and make 2 digit numbers in maths. In literacy we have been thinking of different adjectives to describe toys and sorting them into different types of toys. As part of our science lesson, we have been thinking about different materials and looking for them around our classroom. It has been action packed and we have had a fantastic time! Well done. Mrs Smallwood is very proud of you.
Enjoying the Fruits of our Labour!
Lotherton Hall
As part of their science learning, Class 2 visited the bird garden at Lotherton Hall to do a workshop about different habitats. Lyndsey, the education officer talked to us about different habitats and their similarities and differences. We thought about the different plants and animals that we would find in a rainforest habitat and a polar habitat. We were able to look at replica skulls of different animals. After the workshop, we had a guided tour of the bird garden and saw a range of different animals. Next we ate our lunch. We had time for a walk and a playground visit before returning to school.
DT - Woodwork Skills
Class 2 have enjoyed designing and making their own moving toy using wheels and axles. The children used junior hacksaws, D Clamps and sandpaper to shape and cut their wood. The children were proud of their finished product and have enjoyed playing with them.
Throughout the year in Class 2, we have been planting seeds and bulbs and looking after the plants which have grown. In April, after chitting the potatoes, we planted them in the tubs outside the classroom. We added earth to the pots and made sure that they had plenty of water. Last week we had a great time harvesting the potatoes! We are going to cook and taste our delicious potatoes.
RE Visit to Bilal Masjid Mosque
Year 2 really enjoyed visiting Bilal Masjid in Harehills today. We looked at the features of a mosque and even had an opportunity to try Wudu (the cleansing ritual before prayer). We enjoyed asking questions to deepen our understanding of Islam.
Today we explored the capacity of different measuring cylinders and a range of containers. We practised measuring different volumes – eg full and empty, half full and also measuring in millilitres and litres. We used our problem solving skills to work out the capacity of a cup using a measuring cylinder.
Allerton Park
Class 2 were kindly invited by the Yorkshire Children's Charity to take part in a sports day at the beautiful Allerton Park. We played games in the morning, ate a delicious picnic lunch and then really enjoyed a disco in the afternoon. It was a lot of fun and Class 2 were a credit to St Peter's School. Thank you to Yorkshire Children's Charity!
Beach Flags
As part of our learning about keeping safe at the seaside, we practised using a ruler in maths to measure rectangles accurately in centimetres to make a beach flag. We also used the ruler to measure the art straw for the pole of our beach flag.
Class 2 really enjoyed their introduction to unihoc today. They practised how to hold the stick correctly, dribble and pass. It was a lot of fun!
Year 2 have been learning about Islam. Today we looked at some pictures of mosques and discussed how a mosque is a place where Muslims come together to pray. We looked at some of the features of mosques. The children observed that many mosques have a "minaret". We learnt this comes from the Arabic "manarah" which means lighthouse and is the tallest part of the mosque. We looked at the dome at the top and the mihrab, which indicates the direction of Mecca.
We enjoyed using junk modelling to make our own mosques. We discussed the different features with our partner.
After looking carefully at the seed packet, we planted lettuce seeds at the end of April. We made sure that the raised bed was in the sun and remembered to water the soil regularly. Look at the lettuce that we have grown! We have harvested and eaten the lettuce. It was delicious!
Alive, Once Alive, Never Alive
As part of our new science topic, 'Living things and their habitats', Class 2 have been learning about how to sort and classify objects depending on if they were alive, once alive or never alive. We had to think carefully about the features of living things for example, they move, grow and need nutrition. We looked around school for objects that were alive, once alive and never alive.
In science in Class 2, we have been learning about life cycles. We watched the caterpillars grow, turn into pupas and then hatch into painted lady butterflies. We were able to keep them in our classroom for a few days. Then we released them into the playground.
This half term, Year 2 have been exploring dance. Today we used silks to incorporate our learning on circle movements, jumps and turns. We hope you enjoy our silky moves!
As part of our DT learning, we made hand puppets. The year 2 children used a running stitch to fasten their fabric together. We followed a design criteria and used our creativity to make our puppets individual. We hope you enjoy looking at them!
Year 2 are enjoying using percussion instruments to explore patterns in music.
Science - Capacity
As part of our science topic on plants, we are carrying out an enquiry 'Do seeds need light to germinate?'. We have planted bean seeds and put 2 bean plants on the windowsill in a light place and 2 plants in a dark place. We are going to observe the plants over time and try and find the answer to our question. It is important that both plants have the same amount of water, so we practised our capacity skills - using a measuring cylinder to measure accurately in millilitres.
We have been learning about the compass rose and how we can use the points of the compass (north, south, east and west) to accurately direct people around a map. We worked with our friends to direct them around a mat using directions such as ‘Go east 3 spaces.’
Author Visit
Class 2 had a really lovely visit from the author Richard O'Neill. He talked to us about the process of writing books from thinking of an idea, writing the idea down and then getting his books printed. It was great to talk to a real author about their work!
Learning today - Friday 10th March
Skelton Grange Trip
Class 2 had a wonderful trip to Skelton Grange as part of our science topic - animals including humans - keeping healthy. We have been learning about what all humans and animals needs to survive - air, food, water and shelter. We thought about which of the basic needs we couldn’t survive very long without (water). We pretended that we were on a desert island and we had to build our own shelter and make our own warmth with a firesteel. We played lots of exciting games and enjoyed eating popcorn around the campfire. It was great fun!
Continents and oceans of the world
We used an atlas to develop our locational knowledge of the world. We worked as a pair to complete a jigsaw of a map of the world and located and named the world’s seven continents and five oceans.
Keeping Safe day
Amazing Art
Year 2 have been learning about the artist Henri Matisse. Inspired by the art work Polynesia, The Sea (Polynésie, La Mer) we created our own collages.
Our Fabulous Nativity Actors
Guy Fawkes Visit
As part of our history topic on Guy Fawkes, Class 2 have been looking at historical artefacts to find out how life was different 400 years ago. We looked carefully and drew the artefacts. We also thought about what material they were made from and what they might be used for. It was a great morning that we really enjoyed!
Abbey House Trip
Class 2 have had a fabulous trip to the Abbey House museum as part of our history topic Toys from the Past. We were learning about similarities and differences between toys now and toys from the past. We had the opportunity to handle lots of different toys, looking carefully at what they were made from and thinking about how they worked. We also really enjoyed our picnic lunch!
Class 2 Assembly
Class 2 did a fabulous assembly this week. We shared our Autumn poems and then did a play of our literacy text The Tiger who came to Tea by Judith Kerr. We even sang some tiger songs - we hope that you enjoy it! Mrs Smallwood and the Class 2 teachers were very proud of our performance.
Library Visit
Year 2 and their parents enjoyed a fantastic trip to Compton Road library. We listened to a story and choose some books to take back to class.
Toys from our Past
In history we have been learning about the similarities and differences between toys in the present and in the past. Mrs Holliday brought some of her old toys to show us and we thought about how they were similar to our toys. We really enjoyed looking at her dolls and hearing about how she played with them. She even showed us how she used to play marbles - it was great fun!
Drumming Workshop
Class 2 had a fantastic time at the drumming workshop as part of our international week. We really enjoyed playing different rhythms on the djembe drums. We had a great time! We hope you enjoy watching our video.
Science - Seed & Bulbs
In Class 2, we have been learning about the difference between seeds and bulbs. We have sorted them into different groups. We have planted cress seeds and are watching them grow. Then we went into the school garden and planted some daffodil bulbs and tulip bulbs. We read the information on the packet to make sure we were planting them correctly. We can't wait to see our daffodils in the Spring time!
Religious Education
This term, the children have been learning about the good news the Gospel brings. We have learnt that Jesus is a friend to the friendless. We have also looked at the parable of Matthew the Tax Collector. We wanted to apply our learning to real life. We found out about St George's Crypt and the work they do to help homeless people in Leeds. We enjoyed writing prayers and making cards to send to the clients and volunteers at St George's Crypt.
Design Technology
Year 2 have been learning about toys from the past. As part of our DT learning, we designed our own cup and ball toy. The children created a design and selected which materials they thought would be most suitable. We have really enjoyed playing with them!
Cannon Hall Farm
Class 2 were invited to Cannon Hall farm by the Yorkshire Children's Charity. We had such an AMAZING time! We had a chance to look at the farm animals in the morning. After our picnic lunch, we went to a disco. It was a really memorable day that we all enjoyed!
Class 2 Monsters!
Class 2 have been reading the text Not Now Bernard by David McKee about a monster who sneaks into a house. In our art lesson, we created imaginary monsters using pastels. We hope you like them!
Welcome to Class 2!
Class 2 have had a brilliant first day! We did lots of different learning including Mindmate where we were thinking about the qualities that make a good friend. We made good friend medals to take home.
Class 2 at the Seaside!
Class 2 have been learning about coastal habitats in science and the human and physical features of the seaside in geography. As part of our learning, we visited the seaside at Filey with Rainbow Room. We had a lovely picnic, built sandcastles, buried each other in the sand and had a little paddle in the sea. We even had an ice cream at the end of the day! It was a wonderful day and we were all very tired on the way home.
Lotherton Hall
As part of science learning about habitats, Class 2 have visited the Wildlife World at Lotherton Hall. We took part in an interesting workshop with Lyndsey who told us about different habitats. We looked at a range of different replica animal skulls and tried to work out which animal they were from. After that we looked at the different birds in the Wildlife World. We had some time after lunch to explore the beautiful grounds of Lotherton Hall. It was a great day!
Library Visit
Skelton Grange Trip
Class 2 had an amazing time at Skelton Grange as part of our science topic, animals including humans. We were thinking about what all humans need to survive: air, food, water and shelter. We pretended we were shipwrecked on an island. We had to work as a team to cross the river, make a shelter with materials we had found, make a spark with a fire steel, escape some pirates and ate some popcorn that we cooked on the fire. It was a brilliant day!
Class 2's Assembly
Class 2 did a fantastic assembly - it was the first class assembly for a long time. They were fantastic. They told us the story of the Hare and the Tortoise and recited the poem 'The Owl and the Pussy Cat'. They also sang a beautiful song and taught the rest of the school the actions too. Well done Class 2!
Party time!
Class 2 had a brilliant Christmas party. They all looked lovely in their party clothes and enjoyed playing lots of fun games and having some Christmas treat too!
Trip to the Minster
As part of our RE topic, we have been learning about the Christmas story. We went to visit Leeds Minster to see the Christmas Story display. In our science topic, we have been learning about different materials and their properties. There were plenty to spot in the Minster!
Christmas Fun
Class 2 parents thoroughly enjoyed coming to watch the children's performance with them. Afterwards, they took part in a fun activity, looked at the children's books, enjoyed a hot chocolate and biscuit and then the children had a visit from Father Christmas!
Kirkstall Toy Museum
Class 2 had a lovely day visiting the Abbey House museum as part of our history topic on Toys from the past. We looked and handled lots of old toys and thought about the difference between old and new toys. After our visit to the museum, we walked across to Kirkstall Abbey and ate our packed lunch there. It was an amazing day!
Guy Fawkes Visited Class 2
As part of our history topic on Guy Fawkes, Class 2 have been looking at historical artefacts to find out how life was different 400 years ago. We looked carefully and drew the artefacts. We also thought carefully about what they were made from and what they might be used for.
International Week - India
Class 2 have had a great week learning about India. We thought about differences and similarities between the UK and India, located India on a map of the world and read an Indian folk tale in literacy called The Tiger Child. Our video shows us performing some traditional Indian hand gestures called Hasthas. We hope you enjoy them.
Class 2 are learning about plants in science. They have been learning about the difference between seeds and bulbs. We planted some daffodil, tulip and snowdrop bulbs in the raised beds. We are waiting excitedly to watch our bulbs grow in the springtime.
Sports Day
The sun shone and the children had a fantastic time at sports day - well done everybody!
Trip to the Seaside!
Class 2 had a fabulous day in Filey; they built sandcastles, buried each other in the sand, paddled in the sea and enjoyed a huge ice cream! The sun was shining and everybody had a fantastic time.
Skelton Grange Trip
Class 2 had an amazing trip to Skelton Grange! They enjoyed playing teamwork games, building dens in the woods and learning about the beautiful flowers. At the end of the day, Class 2 all sat around a campfire - what a fabulous day out!
Home Learning
Good morning Class 2
Mrs Smallwood and Mrs Barton have planned lots of lovely learning for you all. Click on the link below to find out what they would like you to do. Let them know how you are doing on the blog.
Remember - only do the activities you have been asked to do.
Click on the Spellanywhere link to help you find your spellings.
We miss you lots - stay safe!
Love Miss Parry xxx
Week 8
This will be our last week of home learning and we are looking forward to seeing you all back in school on Monday 8th March.
3 more sleeps until school starts!!!
Learning for MRS BROGAN'S GROUP Friday 5th March
Learning for Thursday 4th March
Learning for MRS BROGAN'S GROUP Thursday 4th March
Learning for Wednesday 3rd March
Learning for MRS BROGAN'S GROUP Wednesday 3rd March
Learning for Tuesday 2nd March
Learning for MRS BROGAN'S GROUP Tuesday 2nd March
Learning for MRS BROGAN'S GROUP Monday 1st March
Week 7
Learning for Friday 26th February
Learning for MRS BROGAN'S GROUP Friday 26th February
Learning for Thursday 25th February
Learning for MRS BROGAN'S GROUP Thursday 25th February
Learning for Wednesday 24th February
Learning for MRS BROGAN'S GROUP Wednesday 24th February
Learning Tuesday 23rd February
Learning for MRS BROGAN GROUP Tuesday 23rd February
Monday 22nd February is a training day so teachers will not be on the blog as they will be busy doing other jobs today.
Learning for Monday 22nd February
Learning for MRS BROGAN'S GROUP Monday 22nd February
Week 6
Learning for Friday 12th February
Learning for MRS BROGAN'S GROUP Friday 12th February
Learning for Thursday 11th February
Learning for MRS BROGAN'S GROUP Thursday 11th February
Learning for Wednesday 10th February
Learning for MRS BROGAN'S GROUP Wednesday 10th February
Learning for Tuesday 9th February
Learning for MRS BROGAN'S GROUP Tuesday 9th February
Learning for Monday 8th February
Learning for MRS BROGAN'S GROUP Monday 8th February
Week 5
Learning for Friday 5th February
Learning for MRS BROGAN'S GROUP Friday 5th February
Learning for Thursday 4th February
Learning for MRS BROGAN'S GROUP Thursday 4th February
Learning for Wednesday 3rd February
Learning MRS BROGAN'S GROUP Wednesday 3rd February
Learning for Tuesday 2nd February
Learning for MRS BROGAN'S GROUP Tuesday 2nd February
Learning for Monday 1st February
Learning for MRS BROGAN'S GROUP Monday 1st January
Week 4
Learning for Friday 29th January
Learning for MRS BROGAN'S GROUP Friday 29th January
Learning for Thursday 28th January
Learning for MRS BROGAN'S GROUP Thursday 28th January
Learning for Wednesday 27th January
Learning for MRS BROGAN'S GROUP Wednesday 27th January
Learning for Tuesday 26th January
Learning for MRS BROGAN'S GROUP Tuesday 26th January
Learning for Monday 25th January
Learning for MRS BROGAN'S GROUP Monday 25th January
Week 3
Learning for Friday 22nd January
Learning for MRS BROGAN'S GROUP Friday 22nd January
Learning for Thursday 21st January
Learning for MRS BROGAN'S GROUP Thursday 21st January
Learning for Wednesday 20th January
Learning for MRS BROGAN'S GROUP Wednesday 20th January
Learning for Tuesday 19th January
Learning for MRS BROGAN'S GROUP Tuesday 19th January
Learning for Monday 18th January
Learning for MRS BROGAN'S GROUP Monday 18th January
Week 2
Learning for Friday 15th January
Learning for MRS BROGAN'S GROUP Friday 15th January
Learning for Thursday 14th January
Learning for MRS BROGAN'S GROUP for Thursday 14th January
Learning for Wednesday 13th January
Learning for MRS BROGAN'S GROUP for Wednesday 13th January
Learning for Tuesday 12th January
Learning for MRS BROGAN'S GROUP for Tuesday 12th January
Learning for Monday 11th January
Learning for MRS BROGAN'S GROUP for Monday 11th January
Week 1
Learning for Friday 8th January
Learning for MRS BROGAN'S GROUP for Friday 8th January
Learning for Thursday 7th January
Learning for MRS BROGAN'S GROUP for Thursday 7th January
How to use Purple Mash
Click above for a short clip to show you how to use Purple Mash - thank you to Mrs Vickers for putting it together for us. Please help your child to send messages to their teachers in the blog and upload pictures of their work. We look forward to hearing from you!
Click below for a link to Purple Mash
Santa's Farm
Happy Christmas!
Home Learning
Good morning Class 2. We hope you have had a lovely weekend.
Have a great day today. It is your last day of home learning - we are really looking forward to seeing you back at school TOMORROW (Tuesday).
Please bring your work back to school with you. You can keep you plastic zip wallet at home with the resources. PLEASE LOOK AFTER THEM.
Remember - only do the work your teachers tell you to do.
See you all tomorrow
Love Miss Parry xxx
Learning for Monday 23rd November
Happy Friday Class 2!
Well done everyone who has been working so hard. We miss you lots but it is brilliant to see how clever you are all being. Have another great day today. Mrs Barton Smallwood will be waiting for you on Purple Mash.
Remember - only do the work your teachers tell you to do.
Have a lovely weekend and we will see you all back in school on TUESDAY 24th NOVEMBER.
Lots of love
Miss Parry
Learning for Friday 20th November
Happy Thursday Class 2
WOW! You have been working so hard! Supper job class 2!
Have another great day today. Mrs Smallwood and Mrs Barton will be waiting for you on Purple Mash.
Remember - only do the work your teachers tell you to do.
Lots of love
Miss Parry
Learning for Thursday 19th November
Good morning Class 2.
I can see almost everyone has been busy working hard and going on Purple Mash. Super work! You are BRILLIANT!
Have a great day today - click below to see what your jobs are.
Remember - only do the work your teacher tells you to do.
Lots of love
Miss Parry
Learning for Wednesday 18th November
Good morning Class 2.
Well done for all of your hard work yesterday. You are GREAT!
Click on today's link to see what your jobs are for today.
Remember - only do the work your teacher tells you to do.
Lots of love
Miss Parry
Learning for Tuesday 17th November
Happy Monday Class 2!
I hope you had a lovely weekend and that you have a great day. Click on the link below to find out what your jobs are today.
Remember - only do the work your teacher tells you to do.
Mrs Smallwood will be on Purple Mash today.
Miss you lots!
Love Miss Parry xxx
Learning for Monday 16th November
Good morning Class 2!
Well done everyone who has been working hard at home. We are very proud of you and miss you lots.
Click on the links below to find out what your jobs are for today.
REMEMBER - only do the work your teacher tells you to do.
Mrs Barton will be waiting for you on Purple Mash today.
Have a lovely day and a lovely weekend too.
Love Miss Parry xxx
International Week in Class 2
Hello Class 2!
Click on the links to read messages and information from your teacher.
Y2 Common exception words - which of these words can you read and spell?
Week 14
Activities for Friday 17th July
Activities for Thursday 16th July
Answers for Thursday 16th July
Activities for Wednesday 15th July
Answers for Wednesday 15th July
Activities for Tuesday 14th July
Week 13
Activities for Friday 10th July
Activities for Thursday 9th July
Dove Template for Thursday 9th July
Activities for Wednesday 8th July
Answers for Wednesday 8th July
Activities for Tuesday 7th July
Week 12
Activities for Friday 3rd July
Activities for Thursday 2nd July
Answers for Thursday 2nd July - Millilitres
Activities for Wednesday 1st July
Answers for Wednesday 1st July
Activities for Tuesday 30th June
Week 11
Activities for Friday 26th June
Activities for Thursday 25th June
Answers for Thursday 25th June
RE Answers for Thursday 25th June
Activities for Wednesday 24th June
Answers for Wednesday 24th June
Activities for Tuesday 23rd June
Maths for Tuesday 23rd June - comparing lengths
Activities for Monday 22nd June
Week 10
Activities for Thursday 18th June
Answers for Maths Thursday 18th June
Answers for English Thursday 18th June
Activities for Wednesday 17th June
Maths answers for Wednesday 17th June
Activities for Tuesday 16th June
Maths for Tuesday 16th June - 3D Shapes
Maths answers for Tuesday 16th June
Week 9
Activities for Friday 12th June
Maths answers for Friday 12th June
English answers for Friday 12th June
Activities for Thursday 11th June
English for Thursday 11th June
Maths answers for Thursday 11th June
Activities for Wednesday 10th June
Maths answers for Wednesday 10th June
Arithmetic for Wednesday 10th June
Acrostic Poem for Wednesday 10th June
Activities for Tuesday 9th June
Maths answers for Tuesday 9th June
Alphabetical Order poster for Tuesday 9th June
Activities for Monday 8th June
Week 8
Activities for Friday 5th June
Maths answers for Friday 5th June
Activities for Thursday 4th June
Maths answers for Thursday 4th June
Activities for Wednesday 3rd June
Arithmetic challenge for Wednesday 3rd June
Maths answers for Wednesday 3rd June
Activities for Tuesday 2nd June
Maths answers for Tuesday 2nd June
The Lion and the Mouse Powerpoint
Activities for Monday June 1st
Week 7
Activities for Friday 22nd May
Maths answers for Friday 22nd May
Activities for Thursday 21st May
Activities for Wednesday 20th May
Arithmetic for Wednesday 20th May
Answers for Wednesday 20th May
Activities for Tuesday 19th May
Florence Nightingale Presentation for Tuesday 19th May
Maths answers for Tuesday 19th May
Activities for Monday 18th May
Comprehension for Monday 18th May
Week 6
Activities for Friday 15th May
Maths quiz and answers for Friday 15th May
Maths Extra Stretcher for Friday 15th May
Sentence work for Friday 15th May
Activities for Thursday 14th May
Maths answers Thursday 14th May
Activities for Wednesday 13th May
Maths answers for Wednesday 13th May
Arithmetic for Wednesday 13th May
Activities for Tuesday 12th May
Crossing the road presentation for Tuesday 12th May
Maths answers for Tuesday 12th May
Activities for Monday 11th May
Week 5
Activities for Thursday 7th May
Activities for Wednesday 6th May
Arithmetic for Wednesday 6th May
Activities for Tuesday 5th May
Maths Challenge for Tuesday 5th May
Maths Challenge ANSWERS for Tuesday 5th May (no peeking!)
Week 4
Activities for Thursday 30th April
Activities for Wednesday 29th April
Arithmetic test for Wednesday 29th April
Activities for Tuesday 28th April
Expanded noun phrases presentation
Week 3
Activities for Friday 24th April
Fraction Challenge cards Friday 24th April
Activities for Thursday 23rd April
History of the Yoyo comprehension
I do like to be beside the seaside comprehension
Activities for Wednesday 22nd April
Treasure hunt for Wednesday 22nd April
Arithmetic challenge Wednesday 22nd April
Arithmetic challenge answers Wednesday 22nd April
Activities for Tuesday 21st April
Sentence work for Tuesday 21st April
Hi Class 2
I noticed you are learning about the life cycle of a chicken today and thought you might like this song! Click on the link above. It's great!
Love Miss Parry xxx
Week 2
Activities for Friday 3rd April 2020
Activities for Thursday 2nd April 2020
Activities for Wednesday 1st April 2020
Week 1
Activities for Friday 27th March 2020
Maths Super Stretcher Answers (no cheating!)
Activities for Thursday 26th March 2020
Class 2 Assembly
Class 2 shared their learning about toys with us in a super assembly. We watched them play marbles, cup and ball, do skipping rhymes and play with dolls from long ago. Well done year 2.
Abbey House Museum
Class 2 had an excellent trip to the Abbey House toy museum as part of our topic on Toys from the Past. We had the chance to handle toys that were over 100 years old - it was fascinating.
Trip to the Seaside!
Even though the sun wasn't shining, Class 2 had a fabulous day at the seaside. We all enjoyed playing on the beach and splashing in the sea - getting soaking wet! Once we had dried off, we all had an ice cream and a sleepy journey home.