St Peter's Church of England Primary School

member of Leeds Diocesan Learning Trust

Cromwell Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS9 7SG

0113 2934411

[email protected]

Star WriterS


Emmanuel - Year 5

For his brilliant Oliver Twist diary extracts - super writing! 

Norah - Year 3

For excellent use of paragraphs and adventurous vocabulary. Fantastic!

Kavin - Year 6

For writing a clear and informative biography about Amelia Earhart. He completed his research independently and used sub-headings well to create a fantastic, extended piece of writing. Well done!

Abigail - Year 4

Abigail created her own lovely story. She included interesting vocabulary and presented it beautifully.

Separa - Year 6

For writing an excellent persuasive leaflet to inform children in Nursery how to keep their teeth health. Well done for using rhetorical questions effectively and structuring your leaflet clearly.

Arsema - Year 5

For writing a thoughtful refugee poem, which uses a range of poetic techniques, such as simile, personification, rhetorical questions and metaphor.

Yosyas - Year 2

For writing an excellent story based on 'The Tiger who came to Tea'.

Tinbit - Year 2

For writing an excellent story based on 'The Tiger who came to Tea'.

Alex - Year 2

For making brilliant use of noun phrases in his description of a dragon. Fantastic writing!

Joy - Year 1

For producing a lovely description of a butterfly. Great work - well done!

Aser - Reception

Aser wrote some excellent sentences about a police van. Fantastic writing!

Elyana - Year 2

For carefully retelling the Lost and Found story using their own animal, using some really imaginative language. Your writing is an absolute pleasure to read - well done!

Kayra - Year 5

For her excellent newspaper report, where she recalls the events that have taken place at a famous London market.

Irene - Year 4

For writing an impressive historical report about the six wives of Henry VIII. She used sub-headings effectively to organise the information and precise, factual language choices. Super writing!

Abra - Year 2

Abra wrote an excellent recount of class 2's recent trip to Skelton Grange, making particularly effective use of the conjunction 'because'. Fantastic writing - well done!

Tomas - Year 6

Tomas wrote a very atmospheric free verse poem to describe 'The Blitz' during WWII. He made excellent use of figurative language and thought carefully about his vocabulary choices. Very impressive writing!

Melaher - Year 2

For carefully retelling the Lost and Found story using their own animal, using some really imaginative language. Your writing is an absolute pleasure to read - well done!

Abigail - Reception

Abigail wrote some excellent sentences about a police van. Amazing writing!

Amen - Year 3

Amen wrote a fantastic poem about snowflakes and made excellent use of adjectives and similes. Fantastic - well done!

Sosna - Year 6

For writing an informative newspaper report about Miep Gies, who risked her life to help Anne Frank during WWII. Sosna used rhetorical questions to good effect and thought carefully about the features of her report. Great writing!

Hasiel - Year 2

For carefully retelling the Lost and Found story using their own animal, using some really imaginative language. Your writing is an absolute pleasure to read - well done!

Yemaryiam - Year 2

Excellent use of the past tense, using capital letters and full stops and including interesting details.

Misael - Year 6

For making super notes about Albert Einstein and starting to write his own biography. Great writing!

Grace - Year 5

For her excellent refugee poem. Grace used rhetorical questions, personification and deliberate repetition to great effect. Amazing!

Gabriella - Year 3

For writing a fantastic character description. Super writing!

Abigail - Year 2

Fantastic writing - well done for writing your own story based on 'The Tiger who came to Tea.'

Annabel - Year 2

For writing an excellent story based on 'The Tiger who came to Tea'. Well done!

Chideraa - Year 6

For making excellent use of modal verbs and adverbs when creating a persuasive leaflet aimed at a younger child to explain the importance of dental hygiene. Brilliant writing!

Hermela - Year 6

For producing an interesting and informative persuasive leaflet for our Nursery children about the importance of keeping their teeth clean and healthy. She made particularly good use of rhetorical questions. Well done!

Ahmed - Year 5

For a powerful description of a mythical creature which demonstrates a range of sentence types.

Nora - Year 4

For writing a lovely description of her personality and appearance using some super adjectives. Fantastic writing!

Solomon - Year 2

For a super description of his toy using excellent adjectives. Well done!

Lakeisha - Year 6

For writing a series of diary entries from the perspective of Maria from 'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas' by John Boyne. She used a suitable level of formality and showed an excellent understanding of the character.

Elyana - Year 1

For excellent use of punctuation and vocabulary when retelling the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

Isaac - Year 2

For great use of capital letters and full stops. Super writing in the past tense using interesting detail.

Dagmawi - Year 5

For making great use of colourful semantics when writing a non-chronological report about a hybrid creature.

Tomas - Year 5

For producing an excellent non-chronological report for a hybrid creature, which was developed in a whole-class speaking and listening session. Tomas used subheadings effectively and some super vocabulary.

Phinehas - Year 2

For excellent retelling of the story 'Lost and Found' by Oliver Jeffers using capital letters and full stops.

Betiel - Year 6

Betiel used an excellent range of sentence types to create an atmospheric descriptive narrative recounting the harrowing journey of Jewish prisoners travelling to Auschwitz. 

Holy - Year 6

For writing a fantastic poem drawing inspiration from 'Names' by Brian Moses.  Holy used rhetorical questions effectively and deliberate repetition. Great writing!

Tomas - Year 5

For an excellent newspaper report, detailing the criminal activity of Fagin and his young, criminal gang at London Borough Market. An outstanding effort!

Blythe - Year 6

Blythe used personification very effectively when writing an animal poem inspired by Joseph Coelho's poetry. She included metaphors and deliberate repetition. Fantastic writing!

Yosef - Year 1

For using accurate punctuation when adapting a familiar story. Beautiful handwriting and careful spelling. Well done!

Clara - Year 6

For using cohesive devices effectively to write a coherent and balanced argument about street art and graffiti. Fantastic writing!

Elnathan - Year 4

For including all the features of a successful diary entry, using correct punctuation and making it interesting to read. Super! 

Sophia - Year 6

Sophia wrote a fantastic information text about graffiti; using rhetorical questions and technical vocabulary effectively. Well done!

Joyce - Year 6

Joyce organised her work very effectively using appropriate subheadings and a clear, concise writing style when giving information about graffiti. Great work!

Dagmawi - Year 6

Dagmawi used a variety of different sentence types when producing this information text about graffiti. Excellent - well done!

Betiel - Year 6

Betiel produced an excellent information text about graffiti and punctuated her work very accurately. Brilliant writing!

Sosna - Year 5

For her fabulous character description of Fagin from Oliver Twist. Lovely details of appearance, movements and personality.

Naomi - Year 3

For using varied vocabulary, super similes and following a structure whilst writing a poem. Beautiful writing - well done!

Natania - Year 2

For retelling 'The Hare and the Tortoise' story carefully and including a 'double ly' sentence. Fantastic!

Goodluck - Year 6

Goodluck produced an excellent non-chronological report about the Thames Barrier in London. He chose appropriate subheadings, used technical vocabulary and included a variety of sentence types. Fantastic writing!

Ezana - Year 6

Ezana used conjunctions very effectively and ambitious vocabulary to create this fantastic first person recount of experiencing a storm, based on 'Hurricane' by David Wiesner.

Elana - Year 6

Elana wrote a thoughtful cinquain poem for Remembrance Day. She thought carefully about the syllable pattern to create a poignant poem.

Sophia - Year 6

Sophia wrote a lovely recount of our recent trip to Bolton Abbey. Using Colourful Semantics, she planned her recount carefully. She also tried really hard to include cohesive devices and a variety of different sentence types. Super writing!


Raheem - Year 6

Raheem wrote a very effective atmospheric description, using figurative language effectively. Well done Raheem!


Aysha- Year 2

For including a BOYS sentence in her persuasive writing. Brilliant!

Soliana - Year 4

For an excellent description of Augustus Gloop in the chocolate river, from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl.

Noah - Year 2

For doing a fantastic job of retelling the story of 'The Tiger who Came to Tea' in an imaginative way.

Hallelujah - Year 2

For doing a fantastic job of retelling the story of 'The Tiger who Came to Tea' in an imaginative way.

Lily - Year 6

Lily has been working hard to research information for a biography about Martin Luther King Jr. She wrote excellent notes and then used a variety of different sentence types and fronted adverbials to write different sub-sections. Amazing writing!

Clecia - Year 5

Clecia worked really hard and produced a brilliant piece of guided writing work, writing an adapted version of a famous Greek myth.

Hirun - Year 3

Hirun produced a superb retelling of part of 'The Night Gardener' using the success criteria. Fantastic writing - well done!

Noah - Year 1

Year 1 have been reading the book 'Mixed Up Chameleon' by Eric Carle. Using Colourful Semantics as an aid, Noah wrote a super sentence! Great work!

Joyce - Year 6

Joyce produced a clear, informative persuasive leaflet explaining about the importance of dental hygiene, which is aimed at a child in Nursery. She used modal verbs effectively and thought carefully about her vocabulary choices.

Saron - Year 2

Saron produced a fantastic piece of descriptive writing and included some excellent adjectives.

Isabella - Year 6

Isabella worked really hard to create some clear, informative instructions which explain how to complete the 'Crate Challenge' at Robin Wood Activity Centre. She used bullet points, time connectives and modal verbs effectively. Super writing!

Nathan - Year 6

For his fantastic diary entry written from the perspective of the character 'Auggie' from the novel 'Wonder'. Nathan did a great job including emotions and fronted adverbials. Well done!

Yousef - Year 6

Yousef wrote an excellent descriptive narrative, based on Shakespeare's 'The Tempest'. He used some fantastic figurative devices when describing the monstrous Caliban. Amazing writing!

Akain - Year 5

For his very dramatic diary entry, done as part of our guided writing lesson. Akain has used mixed sentence types, good vocabulary choices and used the appropriate tense.

Nathan, Separa & Elnathan - Year 3

For their fantastic descriptive writing; including interesting adjectives and similes. Brilliant!

Adjoa & Kibrom - Year 2

For their fantastic recounts of Class 2's recent trip to Skelton Grange. They used time connectives really well and wrote in chronological order. Super!

Naomi Hagos - Year 2

Naomi used some brilliant adjectives in her recount. Super writing - well done!

Lamick - Year 2

Lamick has produced an excellent spider fact file and used lots of interesting openers. Well done!

Joyce - Year 5

A brilliantly sequenced non-chronological report, which provides details about a hybrid creature - 'The Parranda'.

Jonatas & Hirum - Year 2

An excellent piece of writing based on the Oliver Jeffers text 'Lost & Found'. The boys used lots of interesting vocabulary.


Naod - Year 6

After reading the book 'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas', Naod wrote this thoughtful diary entry from the perspective of Shmuel. He showed excellent insight into the character's emotions. Very impressive!

Mussie - Year 3

Mussie wrote a brilliant colour poem using lots of interesting images and vocabulary. Excellent work.

Olivia - Year 3

Olivia researched using a thesaurus to gather different words for colours, then used these to write a colour poem. Fantastic writing!

Ahmed - Year 2

Ahmed thought carefully and concentrated well. He tried hard to include some short sentences. Well done!

Naomi - Year 6

Naomi wrote a very effective free verse poem about life and death during WWII. She used line breaks, rhetorical questions and deliberate repetition in her poetry. Fantastic!

Naomi - Year 5

Naomi produced an excellent and very succinct report, detailing the death and key events in the life of Queen Victoria. Super writing!

William - Year 2

William wrote a brilliant poem inspired by 'Why do the Stars Come Out at Night?' He thought carefully about his questions and used question marks correctly. Well done!

Hermela - Year 6

Hermela wrote an atmospheric and effective free verse poem about life during The Blitz in WWII. Her poem 'When Great Britain Lay in Darkness' really captures the spirit of this time and is beautifully written.

Hermela - Year 4

Hermela produced an informative and interesting leaflet all about Greyfriars Bobby. Very well done indeed!

Yeabsira - Year 2

Yeabsira retold the tale of 'The Ant and the Grasshopper' using accurate punctuation and also included some fantastic expanded noun phrases. What a superstar!

Nahom - Year 2

Nahom used colourful semantics to write some lovely sentences about pictures from 'The Owl and the Pussycat' by Edward Lear.

Elianna - Year 6

Elianna wrote a powerful and thought-provoking poem about the importance of protecting our Earth and the danger of ignoring the warning signs. Her poem is inspired by 'Names' by Brian Moses and is written in the same style.

Camron - Year 5

Camron wrote an excellent diary entry from the perspective of the character Oliver Twist, from the classic novel by Charles Dickens. He made excellent use of different sentence types.

Anabella - Year 6

Anabella thought really carefully about the arguments for and against graffiti to produce this fantastic balanced argument.

Hussain - Year 4

For his amazing Iron Man diary entry. Great use of vocabulary and interesting sentences.

Advaith - Year 2

For an excellent retelling of a traditional tale. Advaith used lots of different openers and included interesting vocabulary.

Amen - Year 1

For a brilliant piece of writing based on the story 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' and beginning to use 2 Ad sentences.

Lamiek - Year 6

For his excellent, informative writing about graffiti. He used lots of different sentence types and formal vocabulary. Well done!

Camron - Year 5

For a beautifully organised letter from the point of view of Pandora, apologising for her actions and the potential consequences that may follow.

Hiyabel - Year 3

For writing a description of a winter picture with no prior planning. Hiyabel did well.

Henok - Year 2

For his excellent retelling of the Hare and the Tortoise.

Aisha - Year 6

Aisha successfully created atmosphere as she described a ferocious storm in a first person recount. She used personification very effectively and made great use of rhetorical questions to engage the reader. Very impressive writing!

David - Year 6

David used some fantastic vocabulary in his recount of the story 'The Day of Ahmed's Secret' by Florence Parry Heide.  He used the five senses very effectively to transport the reader to the streets of Cairo, Egypt. Amazing writing - well done!

Mercy - Year 6

Mercy wrote a recount, retelling the story 'The Day of Ahmed's Secret' by Florence Parry Heide.  She used a variety of sentence types and skillful vocabulary choices to create suspense very effectively. Fantastic writing!

Hermela - Year 6

Hermela produced an amazing piece of descriptive writing about a journey through a spooky forest. She created atmosphere using a variety of different sentence types and built tension very effectively. Brilliant writing - what a star!

Eleni - Year 2

Eleni did a fantastic job persuading Tiger to live in the jungle. As well as some wonderful BOYS sentences, Eleni also included some brilliant adjectives to add to the description. Wow!

Jonatas - Year 2

Jonatas used BOYS sentences briliantly to create this excellent piece of creative writing. Super use of commas and some lovely adjectives too. Very impressive!

William - Year 2

William produced some lovely persuasive writing to persuade Tiger to live in the jungle. He used BOYS  (but, or, yet, so) sentences really well and also used 'because'. Amazing!

Lidya - Year 1

Lidya produced some excellent writing about a chameleon's visit to the zoo. Lovely handwriting and some super spellings. Well done!

Lydia - Year 2

Lydia wrote some brilliant sentences to describe the teddy bear from St Peter's toy museum. She chose some excellent adjectives and used full stops and question marks correctly. Fantastic!

Eyouel - Year 6

Eyouel worked really hard to produce his biography about Malala Yousafzai. He thought really carefully about the vocabulary he selected and tried hard to include a variety of different sentence types. Super writing!

Nahom - Year 2

Nahom wrote some brilliant BOYS sentences about the story 'The Tiger who Came to Tea'. Fantastic use of conjunctions and commas. Excellent writing - well done!

Melody - Year 4

Melody did a fantastic job retelling the story of when Augustus Gloop fell into the chocolate river in Roald Dahl's book Charlie and the Chocolate Factor. She used lots of fantastic adjectives and fronted adverbials. Great work!

Ezana - Year 5

Ezana produced an excellent description of two revolting Roald Dahl characters. He used super sentence choices and his work was well organised into paragraphs. Ezana also chose some very appropriate adjectives to make his description even more gruesome!

Peniel - Year 6

Peniel has been writing a brilliant biography about Barack Obama. She made notes about his life and used these to create her own sub-sections about the former U.S. President. She used some excellent fronted adverbials and her writing speed is increasing. Well done!

Holy - Year 5

Holy worked with real enthusiasm to produce a high quality myth in our guided writing session. She produced some excellent short sentences for effect and her similes added fabulous description.

Liyana - Year 6

Liyana worked really hard to create a fantastic leaflet for the children in Nursery, explaining how to keep their teeth healthy. She included some excellent rhetorical questions and modal verbs. Well done!